Author: Sergei Vostrikov
This repository contains embedded software and the PCBs for the experimental testbed.
The main function of the testbed:
- Imitate heat exchange, thermoelectric and electric proceses in the wearable thermoelectric generator.
Testbed's subsystems enable:
- Low speed (>= 5 Hz) temperature measurements with an accuracy better than 0.15°K;
- Temperature difference stabilization (temperature swing <=12°K, stabilization error <= 0.1°K);
- Two channels ADC measurements (accuracy >= 1 mv) in a range of approximately 0 - 100 mV;
- Real time data visialization.
Used technologies/tools: C, Keil uVision, STM32F4, FreeRTOS, Jupyter, KiCAD, Peltier modules.
Detailed description can be found in the pdf manual.
The main PCB:
The temperature sensor PCB:
The testbed simplified schematic: