This repository provides a lightweight C++ wrapper around the open62541 C library. The main goal of this C++ wrapper is to implement modern memory management (with proper destructors) for the generic OPC UA types such as UA_Variant and UA_NodeId. Moreover, this library provides two generic classes GenericServer and GenericClient that offer a simple and coherent interface for the common UA_Server and respectively UA_Client methods of the original open62541 C library. These two classes also significantly simplify the implementation of a simple client and a simple server, including the creation of the server-node-space, the initiation of call-back class-member methods when OPC UA variables change their values and simplify the usage of remote OPC UA method calls.
Currently supported features:
- Scope-based auto-cleanup and efficient move-semantics for UA_Variant and UA_NodeId
- Array support for UA_Variant
- Creation of node-space for UA_Server and UA_Client
- Connection of a UA_Client to a remote server
- Asynchronous triggering of a callback method implemented as a class member method
- Connection of a class-member method with an OPC UA remote method call
Not yet implemented features:
- Automatic discovery of remote servers based on a simple name (currently an OPC UA address has to be provided at the client to connect to a server)
The Open62541CppWrapper mainly requires a preinstalled open62541 C library in addition to a defaul C++ build infrastructure as listed next:
- open62541: currently tested with version 1.0 (follow build instructions below)
- CMake min. version 3.5
- A C++ compiler supporting the C++ 14 standard
- The C++ Standard Library (STD)
Most recent and detailed instructions for building the open62541 base library (for different operating systems) can be found in the original documentation at:
The relevant parts for building the open62541 base library as required for the Open62541CppWrapper library are summarized next. Please note, that the build instructions might become outdated when the original library evolves, so we recommend checking the original documentation in case of problems.
The following instructions have been tested on Ubuntu 18.04 x64. In case you don't yet have installed the standard C++ build packages, you can do so by executing the following command in a bash terminal:
$ sudo apt-get install git build-essential g++ pkg-config cmake python python-six
Now you can clone the open62541 base library by executing the following commands in a bash terminal (you can use any base folder of your choice):
$ git clone
$ cd open62541
$ git checkout 1.0
$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update
For building the open62541 base library, we use CMake and set some library-specific CMake options. Here are the relevant CMake options:
The full list of build instructions in a bash terminal looks as follows:
$ mkdir -p build
$ cd build
$ make
$ sudo make install
This step assumes that you have built and installed the open62541 base library as described above. The following instructions have been tested on Ubuntu 18.04 x64.
First, you have to clone this repository to your local computer. To do so, open a new terminal an execute this command:
$ git clone
Now you can simply build the entire library as follows:
$ cd Open62541CppWrapper
$ mkdir -p build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make
$ sudo make install
The Open62541CppWrapper library comes with two default test-examples, that you can try out and investigate the code. The examples are automatically built as part of the main build process (described in the preceding section). You can execute the two examples as follows.
- Open a new bash terminal (or use the terminal from the build process above) and go to the location where you have compiled the Open62541CppWrapper.
$ cd build/examples/SimpleServer
$ ./SimpleServer
This server can be accessed by any OPC UA client (we use the Prosys OPC UA Client as an example).
- Open a new bash terminal and go to the location where you have compiled the Open62541CppWrapper.
$ cd build/examples/SimpleClient
$ ./SimpleClient
Depending on the current configuration of your Linux installation, you might get the following error when trying to execute the above examples:
./SimpleServer: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
This is not an error of the library itself but is a problem of your Linux configuration that can be solved in various ways, and two preferred solutions are described next.
First of all, the cause for this problem is that the default system location /usr/local/lib is not configured in your system as a default run-time path where libraries are searched. A temporal solution to check whether this is indeed the case is by setting the LD_LIBRARY_PATH as follows:
$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib/
$ ./SimpleServer
Please note that this does not modify the actual configuration of your Linux installation, but only locally changes the run-time path and you have to repeat this step each time you open a new terminal. A more permanent and the recommended solution is to properly update your Linux' ld configuration as follows (you will need super-user access rights):
$ sudo su
$ echo "/usr/local/lib/" > /etc/
$ ldconfig
$ exit
This will add the /usr/local/lib as a default run-time path in your Linux system and you don't have to worry about it anymore for your future uses.