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update release artefacts for update v3.13
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alex-lotz committed Mar 23, 2020
1 parent a27ce85 commit 84dc331
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@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
SmartMDSD Toolchain v3.13
* Extended Code Generation for ROS Mixedport components (see release notes)
* A few minor internal cleanups in preparation for the Eclipse Project
-- Mon, 23 Mar. 2020

SmartMDSD Toolchain v3.12
* Fixed bug in Plain OPC UA Code generation that now supports one-dimensional arrays for method calls
* Fixed bug in deployment script that now also copies the SmartSoft library
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This file contains the release notes for the SmartMDSD Toolchain version 3.x. For each release, it provides important information to users to support them in switching from one specific version the previous version. This includes information and instructions how to migrate content from one version to another.

## v3.13

This update only affects the code-generation for ROS Mixedport components. There, the user-level generation of Activity classes now support generation of additional ROS-related includes and class-member definitions. So if you are using ROS in your components, then we suggest you to backup your implementation of the Activities in your Component (i.e. the Activity classes in the smartsoft/src folder), to temporarily rename the Activity's header and source files and to trigger the Component's code genration by using the menu **SmartMDSD** -> **Run Code-Generation**. After that, merge the contents of the newly generated files with your original files so that the new extensions are included.

## v3.12

This is a hotfix release where several internal code generation bugs are fixed. We recommend to manually trigger the code generation for your existing projects by selecting the project in the SmartMDSD Project Explorer and using the Eclipse menu: **SmartMDSD** -> **Run Code-Generation**. This will update your src-gen folders so you also might want rebuilding your projects by using the Eclipse menu **SmartMDSD** -> **Build Project** (alternatively, you can use the Eclipse menu: **Project** -> **Build All** to rebuild all your projects in the workspace at once). There are no other changes in the models or user-code required (other than those mentioned in release v3.11).
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Expand Up @@ -29,6 +29,8 @@ Require-Bundle: org.eclipse.core.runtime,
Bundle-ActivationPolicy: lazy
Automatic-Module-Name: org.ecore.behavior.skillRealization.edit
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import org.ecore.base.basicAttributes.provider.BasicAttributesEditPlugin;

import org.ecore.base.documentation.provider.DocumentationEditPlugin;
import org.ecore.base.stateMachine.provider.StateMachineEditPlugin;

import org.ecore.service.communicationObject.provider.CommunicationObjectEditPlugin;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -58,7 +59,7 @@ public SkillRealizationEditPlugin() {
CommunicationPatternEditPlugin.INSTANCE, ComponentModeEditPlugin.INSTANCE,
CoordinationPatternEditPlugin.INSTANCE, ParameterDefinitionEditPlugin.INSTANCE,
ServiceDefinitionEditPlugin.INSTANCE, SkillDefinitionEditPlugin.INSTANCE,
StateMachineEditPlugin.INSTANCE, });
StateMachineEditPlugin.INSTANCE, DocumentationEditPlugin.INSTANCE, });

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Expand Up @@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ Require-Bundle: org.eclipse.emf.ecore;visibility:=reexport,
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modelPluginID="org.ecore.behavior.skillRealization" modelName="SkillRealization"
rootExtendsClass="org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl.MinimalEObjectImpl$Container" codeFormatting="true"
importerID="org.eclipse.emf.importer.ecore" complianceLevel="6.0" copyrightFields="false"
usedGenPackages="../../org.ecore.base.basicAttributes/model/basicAttributes.genmodel#//basicAttributes ../../org.ecore.service.communicationObject/model/communicationObject.genmodel#//communicationObject ../../org.ecore.service.communicationPattern/model/communicationPattern.genmodel#//communicationPattern ../../org.ecore.service.componentMode/model/componentMode.genmodel#//componentMode ../../org.ecore.service.coordinationPattern/model/coordinationPattern.genmodel#//coordinationPattern ../../org.ecore.service.parameterDefinition/model/parameterDefinition.genmodel#//parameterDefinition ../../org.ecore.service.serviceDefinition/model/serviceDefinition.genmodel#//serviceDefinition ../../org.ecore.service.skillDefinition/model/skillDefinition.genmodel#//skillDefinition ../../org.ecore.base.stateMachine/model/stateMachine.genmodel#//stateMachine"
usedGenPackages="../../org.ecore.base.basicAttributes/model/basicAttributes.genmodel#//basicAttributes ../../org.ecore.service.communicationObject/model/communicationObject.genmodel#//communicationObject ../../org.ecore.service.communicationPattern/model/communicationPattern.genmodel#//communicationPattern ../../org.ecore.service.componentMode/model/componentMode.genmodel#//componentMode ../../org.ecore.service.coordinationPattern/model/coordinationPattern.genmodel#//coordinationPattern ../../org.ecore.service.parameterDefinition/model/parameterDefinition.genmodel#//parameterDefinition ../../org.ecore.service.serviceDefinition/model/serviceDefinition.genmodel#//serviceDefinition ../../org.ecore.service.skillDefinition/model/skillDefinition.genmodel#//skillDefinition ../../org.ecore.base.stateMachine/model/stateMachine.genmodel#//stateMachine ../../org.ecore.base.documentation/model/documentation.genmodel#//documentation"
operationReflection="true" importOrganizing="true">
<testsDirectory xsi:nil="true"/>
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import org.ecore.base.basicAttributes.BasicAttributesPackage;

import org.ecore.base.documentation.DocumentationPackage;
import org.ecore.base.stateMachine.StateMachinePackage;

import org.ecore.behavior.skillRealization.AbstractComponentCoordinationAction;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -202,6 +203,7 @@ public static SkillRealizationPackage init() {

// Create package meta-data objects
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id="smartmdsd-introLink" style-id="content-link">
<text>Visit SmartMDSD Toolchain Github Repository and file a bug or an issue report in case you find errors. We always are interested in improving the overall quality of our toolchain.</text>
<link label="Service Robotics Ulm: Technical Wiki"
id="smartmdsd-introLink" style-id="content-link">
<text>Learn more about the SmartSoft world.</text>
Binary file modified org.smartmdsd.infrastructure/org.smartmdsd.branding/splash.bmp
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified org.smartmdsd.infrastructure/org.smartmdsd.branding/splash.xcf
Binary file not shown.
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provider-name="Servicerobotics Ulm"
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Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ Manifest-Version: 1.0
Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2
Bundle-Name: SmartSoftGenerator
Bundle-SymbolicName: org.xtend.smartsoft.generator;singleton:=true
Bundle-Version: 3.12.0.qualifier
Bundle-Version: 3.13.0.qualifier
Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment: JavaSE-1.8
Require-Bundle: org.eclipse.core.runtime,
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Expand Up @@ -136,36 +136,35 @@ interface ActivityGeneratorExtension {
def CharSequence getUpdateValuesImplementation(Activity activity) ''''''

* This optional method places provided sniplet into the <b>update method</b>
* of the activity that is called at the beginning of every activity's
* task cycle and is supposed to update the values of all the input
* variables (i.e. class members).
* This optional method allows adding further includes to the user header file of
* the respective Activity. Please note this will only be added if the file
* is created for the first time (i.e. it does not yet exist).
* @param activity the calling Activity definition resource
* @result the update code as a character stream
* @result the includes for the user-header file
def CharSequence getUserHeaderIncludes(Activity activity) ''''''

* This optional method places provided sniplet into the <b>update method</b>
* of the activity that is called at the beginning of every activity's
* task cycle and is supposed to update the values of all the input
* variables (i.e. class members).
* This optional method allows adding further member specifications of the
* Activity's user class in the header file.
* Please note this will only be added if the file
* is created for the first time (i.e. it does not yet exist).
* @param activity the calling Activity definition resource
* @result the update code as a character stream
* @result the member specifications for the user-header file
def CharSequence getUserClassMemberPublicDefinition(Activity activity) ''''''

* This optional method places provided sniplet into the <b>update method</b>
* of the activity that is called at the beginning of every activity's
* task cycle and is supposed to update the values of all the input
* variables (i.e. class members).
* This optional method allows adding further member implementations of the
* Activity's user class in the source file.
* Please note this will only be added if the file
* is created for the first time (i.e. it does not yet exist).
* @param activity the calling Activity definition resource
* @result the update code as a character stream
* @result the member implementations for the user-source file
def CharSequence getUserSourceImplementation(Activity activity) ''''''


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