Design is inspired by Mari Andrianova.

- Kotlin Multiplatform
- Compose Multiplatform
- Kotlin Coroutines
- Koin
- Coil
- Ktor
- Compose Navigation
- Jetpack Lifecycle
- Jetpack ViewModel
The app uses Rijksmuseum API, hence you need to get your own API key from here.
Make sure to add your key to secrets.properties
In order to sign your builds generate rijksmuseum.jks
keystore and add keystore password, alias and store password in secrets.properties
secrets.properties would look like this:
rijksmuseum.access.key=#Add your Rijksmuseum api key
rijksmuseum.keystore.password=#Add your keystore password
rijksmuseum.key.alias=#Add your key alias
rijksmuseum.key.password=#Add your key password
init: {
'theme': 'neutral'
graph LR
:composeApp --> :core:designsystem
:composeApp --> :core:network
:composeApp --> :feature:arts
:core:network --> :core:model
:core:data --> :core:common
:core:data --> :core:model
:core:data --> :core:network
:core:domain --> :core:common
:core:domain --> :core:model
:core:domain --> :core:data
:core:designsystem --> :core:common
:feature:arts --> :core:common
:feature:arts --> :core:model
:feature:arts --> :core:domain
:feature:arts --> :core:designsystem