This package lets you use the LeadSense stereo camera with ROS. It outputs the rectified left and right images, depth map, disparity, point cloud, IMU information and obstacle detection result.
- Ubuntu 16.04
- EvoBinoSDK >= 1.7.0 and its dependency CUDA
- ROS Kinetic
Note: if you want to use LeadSense without GPU, you could edit leadsense_ros_nodelet.cpp
: change header file from evo_depthcamera.h
to evo_stereocamera.h
, change the camera class from DepthCamera
to StereoCamera
, and remove evo::MAT_TYPE_CPU
in retrieve functions (CPU version do not have this option).
Note: if you want to visualize disparity, you will also need to install the image_view
sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-image-view
Note: if you are using a LeadSense with IMU and want to visualize the IMU information using RVIZ, you will also need to install the IMU plugin
sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-rviz-imu-plugin
Note: if you want to dynamic configure the parameters with GUI, you will also need to install the rqt_reconfigure
sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-rqt-reconfigure
Create a workspace named catkin_ws under your HOME folder following the ros tutorial
Open a terminal, download and build the package:
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone
cd ../
echo source $(pwd)/devel/setup.bash >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
- Start the LeadSense camera:
with RVIZ:
roslaunch leadsense_ros leadsense_rviz.launch
without RVIZ:
roslaunch leadsense_ros leadsense_nodisplay.launch
Note: you could set the parameters by adding options of the launch. Example:
- If you just want to get images and do not need depth calculation, add
. - If you want to do obstacle detection, add
The topics provided will be introduced.
- /leadsense/left/image_rect_gray
- /leadsense/right/image_rect_gray
To visualize a image, you can use the simple Image plugin
since the image data are published on topics of type sensor_msgs/Image
- /leadsense/depth/depth_registered
To visualize a depth image, you can use the simple Image plugin
since the depth data are published on topics of type sensor_msgs/Image
. The data of depth image is encoded in float (32-bit). Unclick Normalize Range
, then set distance range with Min value
and Max value
for a good visualization result (unit: m).
- /leadsense/point_cloud/cloud_registered
To directly visualize a topic of type sensor_msgs/Pointcloud2
you can use the Pointcloud2 plugin
- /leadsense/disparity/disparity
Use the disparity_view
node in the image_view
package to visualize it:
rosrun image_view disparity_view image:=/leadsense/disparity/disparity
Fusion result and raw data topics are provided. When you choose 9 axes mode, fusion is done by 9 axes, and magnet topic is published. When you choose 6 axes mode, fusion is done by 6 axes.
- /leadsense/imu/data
Fusion result and calibrated data. To directly visualize a topic of type sensor_msgs/Imu
, you can use the IMU plugin
. The orientation and axes will be shown.
- /leadsense/imu/data_raw
Raw data do not have orientation information, so you can not visualize it. You can check the data by:
rostopic echo /leadsense/imu/data_raw
- /leadsense/imu/mag
- /leadsense/imu/mag_raw
Magnet data is published on a topic of type sensor_msgs/MagneticField
. You can check the data by:
rostopic echo /leadsense/imu/mag
rostopic echo /leadsense/imu/mag_raw
Note: there must be ground in the image, or obstacle detection can not be done.
When obstacle detection is enable, these topics are provided:
- /leadsense/left/camera_height
- /leadsense/left/camera_pitch
- /leadsense/left/camera_roll
Camera position information are published on topics of type std_msgs/Float32
. You can check the data by:
rostopic echo /leadsense/left/camera_height
rostopic echo /leadsense/left/camera_pitch
rostopic echo /leadsense/left/camera_roll
- /leadsense/left/laser_scan
To visualize a laser scan, you can use the simple LaserScan plugin
since the image data are published on topics of type sensor_msgs/LaserScan
- /leadsense/left/image_with_obstacle
- /leadsense/left/image_with_ground
To visualize a image, you can use the simple Image plugin
since the image data are published on topics of type sensor_msgs/Image
You can dynamically change many configuration parameters during the execution:
rosrun rqt_reconfigure rqt_reconfigure