Repo containing the files that should be placed on the optional USB stick to accompany the TAZ livecd/usb (if used). The optional USB stick is started by files placed on the TAZ repo (in the /files_included_in_TAZ_isos/ folder ) Note that you'll need to format the USB stick in a file system that can be read/written to by gentoo (fat32, ext3/ext4, btrfs, ReiserFS, ...)
The functions of the USB stick are the following:
- hide the /dev/cdrom, and /dev/dvd symlinks to sr0, as well as the /dev/disk folder
- create labels for parallel, serial and usb hard disks, as well as serial, parallel and usb opticals
- load a user-set wallpaper color (!)
- load a user-set screen resolution (!)
- load a user-set keymap (!)
- set the local timezone for the lxpanel clock, and fetch system time from a time server automatically
- change some networking settings (!)
- configure a second monitor (!)
- deactivate vesa and activate a different video driver (when using the custom boot setup 7)
- load a customized openbox menu and openbox rc file (!), remove the menu button on lxpanel as this menubutton then becomes redundant (!)
- load gajim, git and claws-mail config settings
- load a customized conky system monitor panel, openbox keybinds list panel, currency and commodity rates & weather & news panel
- load configuration files for the printer (when using boot setup 2)
- load configuration files for the scanner (when using boot setup 5)
- load any of the standard boot setups from 2 to 6 -if chosen at bootup- (only with x86 version, not in amd64 version; with the latter these boot setups are on the iso instead)
- load a (customized) 7th boot setup (squashfs archive) -if chosen at bootup-
- remove regular searchplugins and add SSL-searchplugins for palemoon and set a different homepage
- add a special autoconfig.js and a special config settings cfg-file for palemoon
- add several extensions to palemoon
- import gnupg private and public keys (and/or subkeys)
- copy any user-selected plugins over to gajim
- copy any emails that came in via claws-mail to the usb stick
- copy over a file with useful links, as well as a few readme's from the USB stick to TAZ
- use feh as a screensaver, displaying images in the /images: folder in a slideshow
- have a space to store emails, images, spreadsheets, documents, portable games
(!)= this function is currently disabled, to enable simply remove the # in the code