Contributors: Phil Kurtland (Scanate), Robert Hackett (Fortune Magazine), Jorge Izquierdo and Luis Cuende (Aragon), Jake Brukhman (CoinFund), Maksim Balashevich (Santiment), Michal Brazewicz (Status), Nate Rush, Krishna Aradhi, Justin Poirier, Griff Green (, Eeks, Anonymous
Introduction | Getting Started | Ecosystem | Thought Pieces | Trading | Programming | Legal |
- Blockchain Demo - Visual demonstration of blockchain technologies
- Coin Demo - Visual demonstration of cryptocurrency technologies
- Visual demonstration of a blockchain
- Ethereum the world computer (video)
- Vitalik Buterin explains Ethereum (video)
- Joseph Lubin's interview on building decentralized applications (video)
- BBC explains Ethereum (video)
- Techcrunch on Ethereum (video)
- What is Ethereum?
- ELI5: What is Ethereum?
- Ethereum: The not-Bitcoin cryptocurrency that could help replace Uber
- Introduction to Ethereum: The Internet’s Government
- A beginner’s guide to Ethereum
- What is Ethereum?
- Just enough Bitcoin for Ethereum
- Ethereum: Bitcoin Plus Everything
- An Introduction to Ethereum and Smart Contracts: a Programmable Blockchain
- A Very Non-technical Explanation of Ethereum (aka Yet Another Ethereum Explanation)
- WTF is Ethereum?
- Super Beginner's Guide to Ethereum
- Blockchain: The New Technology of Trust
- How does Ethereum work anyway?
- Minimum Viable Blockchain
- General White Paper, Technical Yellow Paper (pdf)
- Programmable Blockchains in context: Ethereum
- Ethereum: Platform Overview
- Vitalik Buterin's Ethereum introduction at Devcon 1 (video)
- Thinking outside the Blocks
- Understanding Ethereum Report (PDF)
- Very deep-dive on Ethereum Reading List
- Dissecting Ponzi schemes on Ethereum: identification, analysis, and impact
- Full Ethereum Syllabus with Detailed Summaries and Resources
- Devcon 0 (Berlin, 2014) talks and videos
- Devcon 1 (London, 2015) talks and videos
- Devcon 2 (Shanghai, 2016) talks and videos
- Devcon 3 (Cancún, 2017) talks and videos
- Olympic pre-release (Testnet, Chain #0 - May 9, 2015)
- Frontier public release (Ethereum Genesis, Chain #1 - July 30, 2015)
- Homestead (Block #1,150,000 - March 14, 2016)
- DAO Fork (Block #1,920,000 - July 20, 2016)
- Blog post, opposition at r/EthereumClassic
- DoS Fork (Block #2,463,000 - October 18, 2016)
- Spurious Dragon (Block #2,675,000 - November 22, 2016)
- Metropolis will be scheduled end of June, 2017 (to be announced)
- Serenity to be announced (2018)
- Olympic, pre-release public test network with ID #0 (replaced by Morden)
- Morden, Fontier-based public test network with ID #2 (replaced by Ropsten)
- Ropsten, Homestead-based public test network with ID #3 (recently revived)
- ConsenSys, Proof-of-Work public test network
- Kovan, Proof-of-Authority public test network
- Rinkeby, Proof-of-Authority, to be announced (EIP-225)
- Learn about the Blockchain
- Some Blockchain Reading
- How to Invest in Ethereum ETH Tokens
- Reading Guide on Ethereum
- Ethereum Reading List for Prospective Dapp Developers
- r/ethereum’s Guide
- The Ethereum Wiki
- Ethereum Stack Exchange
- The Ultimate Reading List for Blockchain, Token and Cryptocurrency Sources
- Easy Guide to Using Ethereum
- Ethereum - Getting Started - Australian Edition
- Words are Hard: Defining Common Terms in the Ethereum / Crypto Space
- Getting up to speed on Ethereum
- The Crypto-Trader’s Guide to Online Security
- My guide to securing your digital life
- It’s Time to Get Real: Stop Relying on Third Parties to Protect You & Your Funds. You are responsible for your security.
- Cold Storage for Dummies
- Women in Blockchain Series
- Where Can I Join The Ethereum Community?
- State of the Dapps
- Ethereum Business Directory
- European Ethereum Development Conference (EDCON)
- London Ethereum (meetup)
- Berlin Ethereum (meetup)
- Ethereum Core Developer Meetings (call)
- Building Ethereum DApps using Solidity (tutorial)
- CoinTelegraph
- ETHNews
- CoinDesk (owned by Digital Currency Group, which has a stake in a competing cryptocurrency)
- My Ether Wallet
- MetaMask Chrome Extension
- Multi-platform Jaxx Wallet
- Mist Wallet
- Parity Wallet
- Harmony Wallet
- imToken
- Possibilities of Decentralized Technology
- Risks of Ethereum
- Ethereum Community Values
- Growth of the Ethereum Ecosystem
- The Internet of Agreements: Building the Hyperconnected Future on Blockchains
- Money, Blockchains, and Social Scalability
- Crypto Tokens and the Coming Age of Protocol Innovation
- The Golden Age Of Open Protocols
- Thoughts on Tokens
- Fat Protocols
- Decentralized organizations can solve the world’s worst problems
- Blockchain Tokens and the dawn of the Decentralized Business Model
- The Business Case for Dapps – Decentralization as a Strategy
- ‘Decentralised’ is the new black, or a short history of dapps
- Cryptoeconomics Is Hard
- Introducing the Blockchain Token Securities Law Framework
- Blockchain investments and the new problem asset for conventional VCs
- How to Raise Money on a Blockchain with a Token
- Exploring Continuous Token Models: Towards a Million Networks of Value
- Trick or Treat? Investment in Blockchain Cryptoassets
- How Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain-based Startups Are Turning The Traditional Venture Capital Model on Its Head
- How to Evaluate an Initial Cryptocurrency Offering (ICO)
- ICO 2.0 — what is the ideal ICO?
- Blockchain investment vehicles: the future of global retail investment
- Learn Forex Trading at the School of Pipsology (Very applicable to crypto trading)
- Paradigm Shift: Technical Analysis in the Altcoins & Bitcoin Market, & Introduction to Market Cycle, Structure & Manipulation
- CryptoCurrency Market Capitalizations
- The ultimate end-to-end tutorial to create and deploy a fully decentralized Dapp in ethereum
- The ultimate guide to audit a Smart Contract + Most dangerous attacks in Solidity
- Dapps 101: How do I start developing on Ethereum?
- Build your own crypto-currency with Ethereum
- Raise funds from friends without a third party
- Build a democracy on the blockchain
- Build your first DApp in ten steps
- Ethereum DApp devolpment (videos)
- Monitor the network status (mirror) and the gas price market
- Read the documentation (for Homestead)
- Check out some DApps, that run on Ethereum
- Learn Solidity, an Ethereum smart contract language
- Check out Truffle, a smart contract development framework
- Browse the Ethereum Ecosystem Business Directory
- Ask questions at Ethereum Stack Exchange
- Live chat with Ethereum developer teams and community
- Check out Ethereum Meetups in your area
- A 101 Noob Intro to Programming Smart Contracts on Ethereum
- Where can I learn how to develop DApps using the solidity programming language?
- Learning to Code in Ethereum
- Getting started with Ethereum & Solidity on Windows — part 1
- Getting started with Ethereum, Solidity & Geth — part 2
- - Learn Solidity by Making a Game
- How to deploy Smart Contract using Geth
- BitLegal Map
- Introducing the Blockchain Token Securities Law Framework
- Securities Law Framework for Blockchain Tokens
- The Law and Legality of Smart Contracts
- IRS Virtual Currency Guidance : Virtual Currency Is Treated as Property for U.S. Federal Tax Purposes; General Rules for Property Transactions Apply
- Legality of Bitcoin by Country