Industrial Upgrade is a global add-on with different and interesting things that diversify not only IC2 itself, but also your survival. There was little accent on the panel (15 main and 11 additional). Each panel has its own level of pollution, dependence on the phases of the sun and moon, and has many modules for pumping! Added 9 rotors and 10 different fuel rods so that the player can develop not only in the solar energy branch, but also in wind and nuclear energy. The mod adds 46 new types of ores (90 ores in total). Added 6 sets of armour, 5 different helmets, 20 tools and 6 types of backpacks. You can also paint them! The main aspect of the mod is the mechanisms, about 144 mechanisms have been added! The modular system in fashion is very extensive, it concerns not only panels, but also energy storage, mechanisms and the improvement of armour and tools in fashion!
The mod not only extends its uniqueness to the main mod, but adds integrations to different mods, the list may differ in different MC versions! ###Integration:
- Avaritia
- Botania
- CompactSolars
- CraftTweaker
- Draconic Evolution
- ExNihilo
- ElectroMagicTools
- Forestry
- MineFactoryReloaded
- Pams
- Thaumcraft
- ThaumTinker
- Waila
- Wireless Industry
Have a suggestion or want to discuss something about the mod - there is our** Discord server**:
It is forbidden to upload the mod on different sites (for example, a link to download the mod not from the official site (curseforge))
1. It is forbidden to create your own requests for downloading the mod without having a link to curseforge.
2. It is forbidden to use mods for their own purposes (creating a complete analogue that does not contain the author's nickname) without the author's permission.
3. You can add mod to your modpacks.
4. You can change textures in this mod.
5. You have the permission to modify the source code of the mod with permission from the author.
6. For violations of the permissions to use the mod, I have every right to force you to remove the mod
These permissions work on all versions of the mod.
An analogue is the mod in which parts of this mod are clearly visible, namely: functionality (more than 50% similar to the sources), graphical interface, block texture. If all three points are violated, then it is considered that you have made a complete analogue.