To engage in the development of the plugin, follow the minimum requirements shown in the table below.
Tool | Minimum Version |
Oracle JDK or OpenJDK 8.x, anything higher won’t work with Scala 2.11 |
IntelliJ 2018.2 or higher |
The plugin follows the standard conventions of a Java project modeled with Gradle. Furthermore, the project defines a task for running integration tests. To compile the code, execute all tests and build the plugin’s artifact, run the following command.
Linux & MacOSX
./gradlew build
gradlew.bat build
Importing the project into IntelliJ is straight forward. From the menu select File > Open… > Open as Project and point it to the build.gradle.kts
file. In the following pop-up window, ensure that the default Gradle Wrapper is selected and "Create separate module per source set" is checked.
The project currently doesn’t define a release process that can be triggered by running a single task. Following the process below.
Update the release notes and release date in changelog file.
Create a release on GitHub with the appropriate tag.
Build and publish the Javadocs and the user guide by running the task
. -
Check that the GitHub action is successful.
The markup language for the user guide of this plugin is AsciiDoc. Documentation sources sit in the directory src/docs
. To generate the HTML version of the plugin user guide, run the task asciidoctor
. The generated HTML will be available in the directory build/asciidoc/html5
Documentation (user guide & Javadocs) is hosted on GitHub Pages. To publish the documentation to GitHub Pages, execute the task gitPublishPush
. Make sure to provide the required GitHub token by passing the system property -Dorg.ajoberstar.grgit.auth.username=$GH_TOKEN