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# Conflicts:
#	Zend/Exception.php
#	Zend/Gdata.php
#	Zend/Gdata/App.php
#	Zend/Gdata/App/Base.php
#	Zend/Gdata/App/BaseMediaSource.php
#	Zend/Gdata/App/CaptchaRequiredException.php
#	Zend/Gdata/App/Entry.php
#	Zend/Gdata/App/Extension/Author.php
#	Zend/Gdata/App/Extension/Category.php
#	Zend/Gdata/App/Extension/Content.php
#	Zend/Gdata/App/Extension/Contributor.php
#	Zend/Gdata/App/Extension/Control.php
#	Zend/Gdata/App/Extension/Draft.php
#	Zend/Gdata/App/Extension/Edited.php
#	Zend/Gdata/App/Extension/Element.php
#	Zend/Gdata/App/Extension/Email.php
#	Zend/Gdata/App/Extension/Generator.php
#	Zend/Gdata/App/Extension/Icon.php
#	Zend/Gdata/App/Extension/Id.php
#	Zend/Gdata/App/Extension/Link.php
#	Zend/Gdata/App/Extension/Logo.php
#	Zend/Gdata/App/Extension/Name.php
#	Zend/Gdata/App/Extension/Person.php
#	Zend/Gdata/App/Extension/Published.php
#	Zend/Gdata/App/Extension/Rights.php
#	Zend/Gdata/App/Extension/Source.php
#	Zend/Gdata/App/Extension/Subtitle.php
#	Zend/Gdata/App/Extension/Summary.php
#	Zend/Gdata/App/Extension/Text.php
#	Zend/Gdata/App/Extension/Title.php
#	Zend/Gdata/App/Extension/Updated.php
#	Zend/Gdata/App/Extension/Uri.php
#	Zend/Gdata/App/Feed.php
#	Zend/Gdata/App/FeedEntryParent.php
#	Zend/Gdata/App/FeedSourceParent.php
#	Zend/Gdata/App/HttpException.php
#	Zend/Gdata/App/LoggingHttpClientAdapterSocket.php
#	Zend/Gdata/App/MediaEntry.php
#	Zend/Gdata/App/MediaFileSource.php
#	Zend/Gdata/App/Util.php
#	Zend/Gdata/AuthSub.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Books.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Books/CollectionEntry.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Books/CollectionFeed.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Books/Extension/AnnotationLink.php
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#	Zend/Gdata/Books/Extension/Embeddability.php
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#	Zend/Gdata/Books/Extension/Review.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Books/Extension/ThumbnailLink.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Books/Extension/Viewability.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Books/VolumeEntry.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Books/VolumeFeed.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Books/VolumeQuery.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Calendar.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Calendar/EventEntry.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Calendar/EventFeed.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Calendar/EventQuery.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Calendar/Extension/AccessLevel.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Calendar/Extension/Color.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Calendar/Extension/Hidden.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Calendar/Extension/Link.php
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#	Zend/Gdata/Calendar/Extension/SendEventNotifications.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Calendar/Extension/Timezone.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Calendar/Extension/WebContent.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Calendar/ListEntry.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Calendar/ListFeed.php
#	Zend/Gdata/ClientLogin.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Contacts.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Contacts/Extension/Address.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Contacts/Extension/Birthday.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Contacts/Extension/Email.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Contacts/Extension/Name.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Contacts/Extension/Organization.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Contacts/Extension/PhoneNumber.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Contacts/ListEntry.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Docs.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Docs/DocumentListEntry.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Docs/DocumentListFeed.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Docs/Query.php
#	Zend/Gdata/DublinCore.php
#	Zend/Gdata/DublinCore/Extension/Creator.php
#	Zend/Gdata/DublinCore/Extension/Date.php
#	Zend/Gdata/DublinCore/Extension/Description.php
#	Zend/Gdata/DublinCore/Extension/Format.php
#	Zend/Gdata/DublinCore/Extension/Identifier.php
#	Zend/Gdata/DublinCore/Extension/Language.php
#	Zend/Gdata/DublinCore/Extension/Publisher.php
#	Zend/Gdata/DublinCore/Extension/Rights.php
#	Zend/Gdata/DublinCore/Extension/Subject.php
#	Zend/Gdata/DublinCore/Extension/Title.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Entry.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Exif.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Exif/Entry.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Exif/Extension/Distance.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Exif/Extension/Exposure.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Exif/Extension/FStop.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Exif/Extension/Flash.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Exif/Extension/FocalLength.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Exif/Extension/ImageUniqueId.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Exif/Extension/Iso.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Exif/Extension/Make.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Exif/Extension/Model.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Exif/Extension/Tags.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Exif/Extension/Time.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Exif/Feed.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Extension.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Extension/AttendeeStatus.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Extension/AttendeeType.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Extension/Comments.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Extension/EntryLink.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Extension/EventStatus.php
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#	Zend/Gdata/Extension/FeedLink.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Extension/OpenSearchItemsPerPage.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Extension/OpenSearchStartIndex.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Extension/OpenSearchTotalResults.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Extension/OriginalEvent.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Extension/Rating.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Extension/Recurrence.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Extension/RecurrenceException.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Extension/Reminder.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Extension/Transparency.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Extension/Visibility.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Extension/When.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Extension/Where.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Extension/Who.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Feed.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Gapps.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Gapps/EmailListEntry.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Gapps/EmailListFeed.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Gapps/EmailListQuery.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Gapps/EmailListRecipientEntry.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Gapps/EmailListRecipientFeed.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Gapps/EmailListRecipientQuery.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Gapps/Error.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Gapps/Extension/EmailList.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Gapps/Extension/Login.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Gapps/Extension/Name.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Gapps/Extension/Nickname.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Gapps/Extension/Property.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Gapps/Extension/Quota.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Gapps/GroupEntry.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Gapps/GroupFeed.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Gapps/GroupQuery.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Gapps/MemberEntry.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Gapps/MemberFeed.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Gapps/MemberQuery.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Gapps/NicknameEntry.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Gapps/NicknameFeed.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Gapps/NicknameQuery.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Gapps/OwnerEntry.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Gapps/OwnerFeed.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Gapps/OwnerQuery.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Gapps/Query.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Gapps/ServiceException.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Gapps/UserEntry.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Gapps/UserFeed.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Gapps/UserQuery.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Gbase.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Gbase/Entry.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Gbase/Extension/BaseAttribute.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Gbase/ItemEntry.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Gbase/ItemQuery.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Gbase/Query.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Gbase/SnippetQuery.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Geo.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Geo/Entry.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Geo/Extension/GeoRssWhere.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Geo/Extension/GmlPoint.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Geo/Extension/GmlPos.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Geo/Feed.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Health.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Health/ProfileEntry.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Health/ProfileListEntry.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Health/Query.php
#	Zend/Gdata/HttpAdapterStreamingProxy.php
#	Zend/Gdata/HttpAdapterStreamingSocket.php
#	Zend/Gdata/HttpClient.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Kind/EventEntry.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Media.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Media/Entry.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Media/Extension/MediaCategory.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Media/Extension/MediaContent.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Media/Extension/MediaCopyright.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Media/Extension/MediaCredit.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Media/Extension/MediaDescription.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Media/Extension/MediaGroup.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Media/Extension/MediaHash.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Media/Extension/MediaKeywords.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Media/Extension/MediaPlayer.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Media/Extension/MediaRating.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Media/Extension/MediaRestriction.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Media/Extension/MediaText.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Media/Extension/MediaThumbnail.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Media/Extension/MediaTitle.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Media/Feed.php
#	Zend/Gdata/MediaMimeStream.php
#	Zend/Gdata/MimeBodyString.php
#	Zend/Gdata/MimeFile.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Photos.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Photos/AlbumEntry.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Photos/AlbumFeed.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Photos/AlbumQuery.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Photos/CommentEntry.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Photos/Extension/Access.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Photos/Extension/AlbumId.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Photos/Extension/BytesUsed.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Photos/Extension/Checksum.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Photos/Extension/Client.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Photos/Extension/CommentCount.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Photos/Extension/CommentingEnabled.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Photos/Extension/Height.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Photos/Extension/Id.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Photos/Extension/Location.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Photos/Extension/MaxPhotosPerAlbum.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Photos/Extension/Name.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Photos/Extension/Nickname.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Photos/Extension/NumPhotos.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Photos/Extension/NumPhotosRemaining.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Photos/Extension/PhotoId.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Photos/Extension/Position.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Photos/Extension/QuotaCurrent.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Photos/Extension/QuotaLimit.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Photos/Extension/Rotation.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Photos/Extension/Size.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Photos/Extension/Thumbnail.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Photos/Extension/Timestamp.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Photos/Extension/User.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Photos/Extension/Version.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Photos/Extension/Weight.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Photos/Extension/Width.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Photos/PhotoEntry.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Photos/PhotoFeed.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Photos/PhotoQuery.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Photos/TagEntry.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Photos/UserEntry.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Photos/UserFeed.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Photos/UserQuery.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Query.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Spreadsheets.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Spreadsheets/CellEntry.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Spreadsheets/CellFeed.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Spreadsheets/CellQuery.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Spreadsheets/DocumentQuery.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Spreadsheets/Extension/Cell.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Spreadsheets/Extension/ColCount.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Spreadsheets/Extension/Custom.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Spreadsheets/Extension/RowCount.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Spreadsheets/ListEntry.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Spreadsheets/ListFeed.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Spreadsheets/ListQuery.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Spreadsheets/SpreadsheetEntry.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Spreadsheets/SpreadsheetFeed.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Spreadsheets/WorksheetEntry.php
#	Zend/Gdata/Spreadsheets/WorksheetFeed.php
#	Zend/Gdata/YouTube.php
#	Zend/Gdata/YouTube/ActivityEntry.php
#	Zend/Gdata/YouTube/ActivityFeed.php
#	Zend/Gdata/YouTube/CommentEntry.php
#	Zend/Gdata/YouTube/CommentFeed.php
#	Zend/Gdata/YouTube/ContactEntry.php
#	Zend/Gdata/YouTube/ContactFeed.php
#	Zend/Gdata/YouTube/Extension/AboutMe.php
#	Zend/Gdata/YouTube/Extension/Age.php
#	Zend/Gdata/YouTube/Extension/Books.php
#	Zend/Gdata/YouTube/Extension/Company.php
#	Zend/Gdata/YouTube/Extension/Control.php
#	Zend/Gdata/YouTube/Extension/CountHint.php
#	Zend/Gdata/YouTube/Extension/Description.php
#	Zend/Gdata/YouTube/Extension/Duration.php
#	Zend/Gdata/YouTube/Extension/FirstName.php
#	Zend/Gdata/YouTube/Extension/Gender.php
#	Zend/Gdata/YouTube/Extension/Hobbies.php
#	Zend/Gdata/YouTube/Extension/Hometown.php
#	Zend/Gdata/YouTube/Extension/LastName.php
#	Zend/Gdata/YouTube/Extension/Link.php
#	Zend/Gdata/YouTube/Extension/Location.php
#	Zend/Gdata/YouTube/Extension/MediaContent.php
#	Zend/Gdata/YouTube/Extension/MediaCredit.php
#	Zend/Gdata/YouTube/Extension/MediaGroup.php
#	Zend/Gdata/YouTube/Extension/MediaRating.php
#	Zend/Gdata/YouTube/Extension/Movies.php
#	Zend/Gdata/YouTube/Extension/Music.php
#	Zend/Gdata/YouTube/Extension/NoEmbed.php
#	Zend/Gdata/YouTube/Extension/Occupation.php
#	Zend/Gdata/YouTube/Extension/PlaylistId.php
#	Zend/Gdata/YouTube/Extension/PlaylistTitle.php
#	Zend/Gdata/YouTube/Extension/Position.php
#	Zend/Gdata/YouTube/Extension/Private.php
#	Zend/Gdata/YouTube/Extension/QueryString.php
#	Zend/Gdata/YouTube/Extension/Racy.php
#	Zend/Gdata/YouTube/Extension/Recorded.php
#	Zend/Gdata/YouTube/Extension/Relationship.php
#	Zend/Gdata/YouTube/Extension/ReleaseDate.php
#	Zend/Gdata/YouTube/Extension/School.php
#	Zend/Gdata/YouTube/Extension/State.php
#	Zend/Gdata/YouTube/Extension/Statistics.php
#	Zend/Gdata/YouTube/Extension/Status.php
#	Zend/Gdata/YouTube/Extension/Token.php
#	Zend/Gdata/YouTube/Extension/Uploaded.php
#	Zend/Gdata/YouTube/Extension/Username.php
#	Zend/Gdata/YouTube/Extension/VideoId.php
#	Zend/Gdata/YouTube/InboxEntry.php
#	Zend/Gdata/YouTube/InboxFeed.php
#	Zend/Gdata/YouTube/MediaEntry.php
#	Zend/Gdata/YouTube/PlaylistListEntry.php
#	Zend/Gdata/YouTube/PlaylistListFeed.php
#	Zend/Gdata/YouTube/PlaylistVideoEntry.php
#	Zend/Gdata/YouTube/PlaylistVideoFeed.php
#	Zend/Gdata/YouTube/SubscriptionEntry.php
#	Zend/Gdata/YouTube/SubscriptionFeed.php
#	Zend/Gdata/YouTube/UserProfileEntry.php
#	Zend/Gdata/YouTube/VideoEntry.php
#	Zend/Gdata/YouTube/VideoFeed.php
#	Zend/Gdata/YouTube/VideoQuery.php
#	Zend/Http/Client.php
#	Zend/Http/Client/Adapter/Curl.php
#	Zend/Http/Client/Adapter/Proxy.php
#	Zend/Http/Client/Adapter/Socket.php
#	Zend/Http/Client/Adapter/Stream.php
#	Zend/Http/Client/Adapter/Test.php
#	Zend/Http/Client/Exception.php
#	Zend/Http/Exception.php
#	Zend/Http/Response.php
#	Zend/Http/Response/Stream.php
#	Zend/Loader.php
#	Zend/Oauth/Client.php
#	Zend/Oauth/Config.php
#	Zend/Oauth/Consumer.php
#	Zend/Oauth/Exception.php
#	Zend/Oauth/Http.php
#	Zend/Oauth/Http/AccessToken.php
#	Zend/Oauth/Http/RequestToken.php
#	Zend/Oauth/Http/Utility.php
#	Zend/Oauth/Provider.php
#	Zend/Oauth/Signature/Hmac.php
#	Zend/Oauth/Signature/Plaintext.php
#	Zend/Oauth/Signature/Rsa.php
#	Zend/Oauth/Signature/SignatureAbstract.php
#	Zend/Oauth/Token.php
#	Zend/Oauth/Token/Access.php
#	Zend/Oauth/Token/AuthorizedRequest.php
#	Zend/Registry.php
#	Zend/Uri.php
#	Zend/Uri/Http.php
#	Zend/Validate/Abstract.php
#	Zend/Validate/Hostname.php
#	Zend/Validate/Hostname/Com.php
#	Zend/Validate/Ip.php
#	composer.json
#	composer.lock
#	files.md5
#	include/InlineEditing/inlineEditing.js
#	include/Smarty/Config_File.class.php
#	include/Smarty/internals/core.assemble_plugin_filepath.php
#	include/Smarty/internals/core.assign_smarty_interface.php
#	include/Smarty/internals/core.create_dir_structure.php
#	include/Smarty/internals/core.display_debug_console.php
#	include/Smarty/internals/core.get_include_path.php
#	include/Smarty/internals/core.get_microtime.php
#	include/Smarty/internals/core.is_secure.php
#	include/Smarty/internals/core.load_plugins.php
#	include/Smarty/internals/core.load_resource_plugin.php
#	include/Smarty/internals/core.rm_auto.php
#	include/Smarty/internals/core.rmdir.php
#	include/Smarty/internals/core.run_insert_handler.php
#	include/Smarty/internals/core.smarty_include_php.php
#	include/Smarty/internals/core.write_compiled_resource.php
#	include/Smarty/internals/core.write_file.php
#	include/SugarCharts/SugarChartFactory.php
#	include/SugarOAuthServer.php
#	include/Sugar_Smarty.php
#	modules/Users/User.php
#	suitecrm_version.php
#	themes/SuiteP/css/Dawn/style.css
#	themes/SuiteP/css/Day/style.css
#	themes/SuiteP/css/Dusk/style.css
#	themes/SuiteP/css/Night/style.css
  • Loading branch information
Dillon-Brown committed Aug 21, 2019
2 parents 4198200 + 58a5338 commit 564c4d0
Show file tree
Hide file tree
Showing 1,226 changed files with 1,496 additions and 74,395 deletions.
93 changes: 93 additions & 0 deletions .github/config.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
- salesagility

- SuiteCRM

- cameronblaikie
- CamoMacdonald
- code-ph0y
- craigpanton
- Dillon-Brown
- e-reeley
- g-fantini
- gregsoper
- gymad
- jack7anderson7
- JackBuchanan
- Jason-Dang
- JimMackin
- johnM2401
- Mac-Rae
- mattlorimer
- MikeyJC
- murdal
- PedroErnst
- pgorod
- samus-aran
- SuiteBot
- willrennie

- 7.9.x,
- 7.8.x,
- hotfix-7.8.x

- master

invalid: >
Hello and thanks for the contribution! would you be able to rebase this pull request to the hotfix-7.10.x branch?
we currently don't accept pull requests directly to this branch
(See [SuiteDocs]( for more information).
eol: >
Hello and thanks for the contribution! unfortunately this branch is EOL
(See our [blog post]( for more information).
invalidIssueTemplate: >
Hello and thanks for raising this issue! I notice you don't seem to be following the standard issue template. If this is a bug report, would you be able to go back and edit this issue while following the template and including exact replication steps?
sprintPlanning: >
Hello Everyone! :wave:
We are 1 week away from commencing our Sprint. So we would like to take this opportunity to ask for your nominated issues here in this thread so we can assess, refine and coordinate with ourselves (the Core Team) and the community contributors on the upcoming priorities.
If you are new to this sprint planning then essentially we are asking you, as the users, to post your issues (by referencing the GitHub hash/ID) that you would like to see being tackled. We, the Core Team, will review and select the achievable ones within the sprint and allocate them among ourselves. The others we may label them as Help Wanted which would make them up for grabs by our community code contributors. This process will help encourage ownership of these bugs and their bug fixes. [Find out more of the sprint concept here]( :point_left:
Sprints are every 2 weeks with the aim to deliver a release every 2 Sprints (monthly).
Just to re-iterate from previous posts, that the core team do have other tasks that may not be identified in the above sprints and these are usually from our own internal backlog i.e. improving the release process, CI/CD tools, security patches etc so that accounts for some ‘slack’ visible in the public sprints.
Look forward to your nominations! :writing_hand:
sprintRetrospective: >
Hello Everyone!
Welcome to the sprint retrospective, lets break down the previous sprint.
To Do | In Progress | In Review | Done
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
Again, to note, that we also tackle a lot of other issues that are high priorities, security patches and internal roadmap tasks
List of the currently open "Help Wanted" issues:
Thanks everyone and comment below to start a discussion to improve the open sprint processes & gain feedback +1
We are planning to open the next Sprint for nominations next week.
103 changes: 47 additions & 56 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,85 +1,76 @@
## SuiteCRM 7.11.7
<a href="">
<img width="180px" height="41px" src="" align="right" />

# SuiteCRM 7.11.7

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### What's in this repository ###

This is the git repository for the SuiteCRM project, the award-winning, enterprise-class open source CRM.

This repository has been created to allow community members to collaborate and contribute to the project, helping to develop the SuiteCRM ecosystem.

### Contributing to the project ###

#### Making a Pull Request ####

The [contributing code]( documentation page will provide all the details you need to know about coding standards, which branch to direct your PR to (depending on whether it's a bug fix or a new feature), testing, etc.

#### Security ####

We take Security seriously here at SuiteCRM so if you have discovered a security risk report it by
emailing [email protected]. This will be delivered to the product team who handle security issues.
Please don't disclose security bugs publicly until they have been handled by the security team.

Your email will be acknowledged within 24 hours during the business week (Mon - Fri), and you’ll receive a more
detailed response to your email within 72 hours during the business week (Mon - Fri) indicating the next steps in
handling your report.

##### Important: Please read before developing code intended for inclusion in the SuiteCRM project. #####
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Please read and sign the following [contributor agreement][cont_agrmt]
[SuiteCRM]( is the award winning open source, enterprise ready Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software application.

Our vision is to be the most adopted open source enterprise CRM in the world, giving users full control of their data and freedom to own and customise their business solution.

The Contributor Agreement only needs to be signed once for all pull requests and contributions.
Try out a free fully working [SuiteCRM demo available here](

Once signed and confirmed, any pull requests will be considered for inclusion in the SuiteCRM project.
### Contribute [![contributions welcome](](

There are lots of ways to [contribute]( to SuiteCRM

### Translations ###
SuiteCRM in your language: [ Download and install language packs from][suitecrm_languages]
* [Submit bug]( reports and help us [verify fixes]( as they are pushed up
* Review and collaborate [source code]( changes
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[More detailed SuiteCRM Community LTS Roadmap][suitecrm_detailed_roadmap]
### License [![AGPLv3](](./LICENSE.txt)

SuiteCRM is published under the AGPLv3 license.

### Support & Licensing ###

SuiteCRM is an open source project. As such please do not contact us directly via email or phone for SuiteCRM support. Instead please use our support forum. By using the forum the knowledge is shared with everyone in the community. Our developers answer questions on the forum daily but it also gives the other members of the community the opportunity to contribute. If you would like customisations to specifically fit your SuiteCRM needs then please use our contact form.

SuiteCRM is published under the AGPLv3 license.

92 changes: 1 addition & 91 deletions Zend/Exception.php
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,95 +1,5 @@
* Zend Framework
* This source file is subject to the new BSD license that is bundled
* with this package in the file LICENSE.txt.
* It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL:
* If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to
* obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email
* to [email protected] so we can send you a copy immediately.
* @category Zend
* @package Zend
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2005-2010 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (
* @license New BSD License
* Class for backwards compatibility only

* @category Zend
* @package Zend
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2005-2010 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (
* @license New BSD License
class Zend_Exception extends Exception
* @var null|Exception
private $_previous = null;

* Construct the exception
* @param string $msg
* @param int $code
* @param Exception $previous
* @return void
public function __construct($msg = '', $code = 0, Exception $previous = null)
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3.0', '<')) {
parent::__construct($msg, (int) $code);
$this->_previous = $previous;
} else {
parent::__construct($msg, (int) $code, $previous);

* Overloading
* For PHP < 5.3.0, provides access to the getPrevious() method.
* @param string $method
* @param array $args
* @return mixed
public function __call($method, array $args)
if ('getprevious' == strtolower($method)) {
return $this->_getPrevious();
return null;

* String representation of the exception
* @return string
public function __toString()
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3.0', '<')) {
if (null !== ($e = $this->getPrevious())) {
return $e->__toString()
. "\n\nNext "
. parent::__toString();
return parent::__toString();

* Returns previous Exception
* @return Exception|null
protected function _getPrevious()
return $this->_previous;

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