This repository contains a helper script based on one of my early blog posts about installing GNS3 on Arch/Manjaro.
The purpose of the script is to automate GNS3 installation on Arch Linux and Arch-based distros.
A user with sudo privilidges. git
needs to be installed to clone the repo. Most users will have git pre-installed with the system.
script will automate most of the installation process.
The script checks for errors along the way. If one of the steps did not succeed the script will be ended and the user notified.
cd "$my_repo_folder"/vpcs || exit # <1>
makepkg -C && sudo pacman -U vpcs-0.8beta1-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz --needed --noconfirm # <1>
cd "$HOME" || exit
if [[ -z $(which vpcs) ]]; then # <2>
printf %b\\n "${On_Red}
Unable to find VPCS after install....
Aborting the script${Color_Off}"
- Build the VPCS package from the official binaries
- WHICH(1) - shows the full path of (shell) commands. If VPCS installed it would be in the path.
flag in theif
statement means: "if the output ofwhich vpcs
is an empty string - VPCS is NOT installed"
The script aims to provide a complete and functioning GNS3 experience. Using the script is simple. Recommended usage is to clone the repo and to execute the script via bash.
git clone
cd Arch-GNS3-Helper/
One could accomplish everything the script does via manual installation process outlined below.
$ sudo pacman -Syu
$ sudo pacman -S yay
edit /etc/pacman.conf
$ sudo tee -a /etc/pacman.conf > /dev/null << EOL
> [archlinuxfr]
> SigLevel = Never
> Server =$arch
Now clone the YAY AUR repo and build the package - it will be installed after building:
git clone
cd yay
makepkg -si
$ sudo pacman -S libelf libpcap cmake
$ yay -S dynamips --noconfirm
$ sudo setcap cap_net_admin,cap_net_raw=ep $(which dynamips)
$ cd $HOME
$ dynamips 2> /dev/null | grep version
Cisco Router Simulation Platform (version 0.2.19-amd64/Linux stable)
$ getcap $(which dynamips)
/usr/bin/dynamips = cap_net_admin,cap_net_raw+ep
Recently VPCS no longer successfully builds from souce of Arch (at least with Kernel 5.6). A workaround is to download the binary off the VPCS GitHub repository:
Since we are using pacman for everything - we will first create a package using makepkg
. Check out the vpcs folder in this repository for a PKGBUILD file.
If you are installing everything manually the easiest way is:
# Download the PKGBUILD file from this repo
$ mkdir vpcs && cd vpcs
$ wget
$ makepkg -sCfi
$ cd $HOME
$ which vpcs
$ vpcs -v | grep version
Welcome to Virtual PC Simulator, version 0.8 beta1
Similarly, IOUYAP does not build from source. GNS3 does not provide the binary. However luckily I had a cached package saved from some time ago. It's been added to the repository. Easiest way to install is:
$ sudo pacman -S iniparser
$ wget
$ sudo pacman -U iouyap-0.97-2-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz --needed --noconfirm
$ sudo setcap cap_net_admin,cap_net_raw=ep $(which iouyap)
$ iouyap -V
iouyap version 0.97.0
$ getcap $(which iouyap)
/usr/bin/iouyap = cap_net_admin,cap_net_raw+ep
Due to obvious reasons, this guide will not provide information on where to get IOL, license, etc. Only the steps with required dependencies and configuration are provided for educational purposes only. Reader assumes all responsibility of researching and deciding whether to use IOL.
$ sudo pacman -S lib32-openssl lib32-gcc-libs
$ sudo ln -s /usr/lib32/ /usr/lib32/
# Prevent EXCESSCOLL error
$ sudo sysctl net.unix.max_dgram_qlen=10000
# To make the above change persistent
$ sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.d/99-sysctl.conf > /dev/null << EOL
> # Prevent EXCESSCOLL error for IOL
> net.unix.max_dgram_qlen=10000
$ sysctl net.unix.max_dgram_qlen
net.unix.max_dgram_qlen = 10000
$ tail -2 /etc/sysctl.d/99-sysctl.conf
# Prevent EXCESSCOLL error for IOL
$ yay -S ubridge --noconfirm
$ cd $HOME
$ ubridge -v
ubridge version 0.9.18
$ getcap $(which ubridge)
/usr/local/bin/ubridge = cap_net_admin,cap_net_raw+ep
$ sudo pacman -S qemu qemu-arch-extra
$ sudo pacman -S docker
$ sudo systemctl enable docker.service
$ sudo systemctl start docker.service
$ sudo gpasswd -a $USER docker
# Log out and back in for the new group membership to take effect.
$ sudo pacman -S docker
$ id -Gn
user wheel docker
$ docker info
$ sudo pacman -S wireshark-qt
$ sudo gpasswd -a $USER wireshark
# Log out and back in for the new group membership to take effect.
$ id -Gn
user wheel wireshark docker
Install pip2pkgbuild from AUR to create PKGBUILD from GNS3 pip packages. It will also be used to create packages on which GNS3 depends
$ yay -S python-pypi2pkgbuild-git --noconfirm
First, install the packages which are in official Arch Linux repositories
$ sudo pacman -S qt5-svg qt5-websockets python-pip python-pyqt5 python-sip python-async_generator python-jinja python-distro python-jsonschema python-aiohttp-cors --noconfirm --needed
Second, we need to satisfy GNS3 requirements.
$ mkdir -p "$HOME"/GNS3-Dev/python-requirements/{aiohttp,aiohttp-cors,aiofiles,psutil,async-timeout,py-cpuinfo,yarl}
$ cd "$HOME"/GNS3-Dev/python-requirements
$ cd "$HOME"/GNS3-Dev/python-requirements/aiohttp \
&& pip2pkgbuild aiohttp -v 3.6.2 \
-n python-pip2pkg-aiohttp && makepkg -sCfi
$ cd "$HOME"/GNS3-Dev/python-requirements/yarl \
&& pip2pkgbuild yarl -v 1.3.0 \
-n python-pip2pkg-yarl && makepkg -sCfi
$ cd "$HOME"/GNS3-Dev/python-requirements/aiofiles \
&& pip2pkgbuild aiofiles -v 0.4.0 \
-n python-pip2pkg-aiofiles && makepkg -sCfi
$ cd "$HOME"/GNS3-Dev/python-requirements/psutil \
&& pip2pkgbuild psutil -v 5.6.6 \
-n python-pip2pkg-psutil && makepkg -sCfi
$ cd "$HOME"/GNS3-Dev/python-requirements/async-timeout \
&& pip2pkgbuild async-timeout -v 3.0.1 \
-n python-pip2pkg-async-timeout && makepkg -sCfi
$ cd "$HOME"/GNS3-Dev/python-requirements/py-cpuinfo \
&& pip2pkgbuild py-cpuinfo -v 5.0.0 \
-n python-pip2pkg-py-cpuinfo && makepkg -sCfi
Clone the repository and checkout the latest stabe release. Build the package with pypi2pkgbuild.
$ cd "$HOME"/GNS3-Dev
$ mkdir {gns3-server,gns3-gui}
$ cd gns3-server
$ pip2pkgbuild gns3-server -v 2.2.31 -n python-pip2pkg-gns3-server
$ makepkg -sCfi
$ cd ..
Repeat the process with GNS3-GUI.
$ git clone
$ cd gns3-gui
$ pip2pkgbuild gns3-gui -v 2.2.31 -n python-pip2pkg-gns3-gui
$ makepkg -sCfi
$ pacman -Qe | grep gns3
python-gns3-gui-git 2.2.7.r0.gb1ec9d53-1
python-gns3-server-git 2.2.7.r0.g087cba39-1
To create a Gnome launcher, the following may be used.
$ sudo tee -a /usr/share/applications/gns3.desktop > /dev/null << EOL
> [Desktop Entry]
> Type=Application
> Encoding=UTF-8
> Name=GNS3
> GenericName=Graphical Network Simulator 3
> Comment=Graphical Network Simulator 3
> Exec=/usr/bin/gns3
> Icon=gns3
> Terminal=false
> Categories=Application;Network;Qt;
June 29th 2019
- As usual, there were a ton of minor bugs in the initial commit. The script should now be completely functional. Some cosmetic changes will be added to make the script more readable.
May 24th 2020
- Moved from
. While the former is more convenient for resolving depenencies, it seems to be less stable. - VPCS and IOUYAP no longer build from source. VPCS PKGBUILD is included to use the official binary. IOUYAP binary is not provided by GNS3, hense a pre-built package has been added.