- Caesar cypher - Smart crack;
- Simple Substitution - Quadgram Hill climb and frequency analysis;
- Vigenere cypher - Period analysis;
- Feistel cypher (No Crack);
- Massey-Omura;
- R.S.A. - FactorDB, Fermat's Factorization, and Brute force from primes saved in txt file;
- ElGamal
Note: You must be running atleast Python 3.10 - otherwise the 'match' statements will throw syntax errors
Install libraries:
pip install -r requirements.txt
usage: main.py [-h] [--encrypt] [--decrypt] [--crack] [--generate] {caesar,rsa,elgamal,massey,simple,feistel,vigenere} ...
Encrypt, decrypt or crack a cipher text.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Cipher types - rsa, caesar, simple, feistel
caesar Caesar Cipher
rsa RSA Cipher
elgamal El Gamal Cryptosystem
massey Massey-Omura cryptosystem
simple Simple Substitution Cipher
feistel Feistel Cipher
vigenere Vigenere Cipher
--encrypt, -e Encrypt the plain text
--decrypt, -d Decrypt the cipher text
--crack, -c Crack the cipher text
--generate, -g Generate a key
Current system usage:
python main.py -h
Feistel Cipher example:
python main.py --encrypt feistel -t test -k abc -r 10
Caesar Cipher example:
python main.py --encrypt caesar -t test -s 3
Simple Cipher example:
python main.py --encrypt simple -t -k abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv
(Key must be 26 letters)
Vigenere Cipher example:
python main.py --encrypt vigenere -t test -k cars
RSA Cipher example:
python main.py --encrypt rsa -t 95 -n 58687709 -e 270679
Massey Omura Cipher example:
python main.py --encrypt massey -t 104 -p 3433 -a 1697 -b 31
El Gamal Cipher example:
python main.py --encrypt elgamal -t 42 -k 1343 -y 1828 -a 30 -p 13757