This is an example Repository for a generic Slimefun4 Addon. In the top left is a button "Use this template", click this to create your own Addon for Slimefun4 using this basic template.
This is a template repository that you can use to create your own Slimefun4 Addon.
We have also written an extensive step-by-step tutorial which you can find here:
Navigate to src/main/java
and rename the package and the .java File to your liking.
Suggestion: "me.yourname.yourproject" (all lower case) and ""
Example: "me.thebusybiscuit.cooladdon" and ""
Navigate to src/main/resources/plugin.yml
and change the "author" and "main" attributes.
You may also want to change the description to something meaningful.
Navigate to pom.xml
and change the group id to "me.%Your name%" and change the artifact id to the name of your Project.
After that you are good to go, you can now start developing your own Addon for Slimefun4.