A repository to host and manage token negotiator example dapps and web apps
TokenScript is a framework which improves functionality, security and usability of blockchain token. It creates a layer between a blockchain and user devices, adding information, rules and functionalites both onchain and offchain.
For more information please visit: https://tokenscript.org/.
Each of examples by default are configured for use in a local environment. See the README's inside each example for configuration and deployment.
- cd into the root of this directory
- run
npm install
to install all dependancies for the examples - run
npm run start
which will serve all examples with a single command - Or alternatively, serve each example seperately (see readme inside each directory for more information)
there are also other batch commands supported
- run
npm run link/unlink
to link/unlink localtoken-negotiator
with the example, localtoken-negotiator
needs to sit in the same directory as this repo - run
npm run build
to build all the examples - run
npm run start-on-chain
which will serve all on-chain examples - run
npm run start-off-chain
which will serve all off-chain examples
all the above batch commands support specifying individual examples as the target, e.g.
- run
EXAMPLES=art-gallery-medium-article-website npm run start
to start the specified example - run
EXAMPLES=art-gallery-medium-article-website,ecommerce-store-website npm run build
to build multiple examples at the same time (examples are comma separated)
- to manage examples recognized by the batch commands, please update
accordingly. - in order to make sure all the dev servers can run at the same time, you need to avoid port conflict, here are all the existing examples and the port in use, please update whenever you make a change
- angular-bare-bones-demo: 4200
- art-gallery-medium-article-website: 3003
- ecommerce-store-website: 3004
- svelte-demo: 8080
- typescript-bare-bones-demo: 3010
- vue-boilerplate: 8081
- vue-vite-boilerplate: 5173
- hotel-bogota-active-negotiation-website: 3000
- hotel-bogota-passive-negotiation-website: 3001
- ticket-issuer-url-website: 3005
- token-outlet-website: 3002
This uses a custom example of the Token Negotiator (some of the API is not included inside the NPM package at this time).
Using HTTP-Server, or any means you choose to serve this website, inspect the index.html negotiation and authentication steps to read Liscon Tickets and complete full attestation.
Example use cases include; using this example to make a third party website that uses the Liscon Ticket for an entriely different purpose / or extends the functionality of the power of the ticket at the event or virtually e.g. discounts on food, vip entry to a VR Dapp.
We look forward to hearing your feedback.