Barcode generator tailored for nanopore sequencing.
- No homopolymers
- GC-content between 40-60% (can be changed manually in the code)
- Distance threshold in Levenshtein
- Custom barcode length
- Custom number of barcodes
Work in progress
- Custom GC-content setting
Known issues:
- When the distance threshold is approximatly half of the barcode length or longer, generating more than 10 barcodes will be costly, in some cases impossible.
- Python3
- Levenshtein package for python (pip for install)
- Progress package - used for verbose output
Installing Levenshtein-package:
pip3 install python-levenshtein
Installing progress package:
pip3 install progress
Several options are available, check them using the -h och --help flag:
python3 -h
- Alice Anlind
- Vidilab's slack channel for RnD for suggestions of improvements