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Implementation of the anomaly detection technique described in "Detecting Road Damages in Mobile Mapping Point Clouds using Competitive Reconstruction Networks".

install the requirements

It is recommended to use either python3.8 or python3.10. It is also recommended to use a virtual environment for this project. If you are on a linux machine you can create one using the following commands:

sudo apt install python3-virtualenv && virtualenv venv

You can then activate this environment with

source venv/bin/activate

You can then install the requirements for this repository using pip and the following command:

pip install -r requirements.txt

For this repository it is highly recommended to use a graphics card with at least 12 GB of vram. If your graphics card does not have enough memory, you might have to reduce the number of competitive units in the commands used below using the --num-competitive-units parameter. If you are using a graphics card, you also need to install cuda>10.0 together with pytorch, e.g. pip install torch==1.12.1+cu116 if you have cuda 11.6 installed. You can also train using a CPU but be aware that this is VERY slow (>10 minutes per epoch).

Download of Datasets:


Download the zip file from the following url:

The dataset has an extracted size of roughly 5 gb. Extract the tarfile e.g. to a directory called datasets/mvtec/.

Alternatively, if the link is broken, use the following link to apply for a new download link:

Panorama and Road Images

Download the zip files from the following url:

and extract them e.g. to a directory called datasets/. The two datasets have a combined size of roughly 280 mb.

The contains the dataset with images extracted from 3D lidar scans of streets in the town of essen. The file contains the dataset of hand labled panorama images obtained from cameras mounted on the scanning vehicles.

Running experiments

The experiments in the paper were conducted on a machine with 8 CPU cores and an A100 NVIDIA graphics card.

To evaluate the CRN on MVTec, you can use the following command:

python --mode train --training-steps 20000 --model crn --dataset MVTec --dataset-path=datasets/mvtec/cable --seed 41020

The maximum obtained roc auc value is shown in the command line in the progress bar. It is also logged in a directory called logged_metrics. There a new subdirectory version_n is created with n being the largest number in the directory for the newest run being logged there. This subdirectory contains a metrics.csv, which contains the metrics/max_roc_auc when it was logged (this value is not logged in rows before it was first logged, the last row of the csv file contains the final max roc auc score). To reproduce Table 1 of the paper substitute the dataset path to test the 15 different categories of the MVTec dataset. You can log metrics to Weights & Biases by adding the --wandb flag. However you need a W&B account and an API key for this. In our setup, average run time for a MVTec category was about 3.5 hours.

To evaluate CRN on the annotated Panorama images and reproduce Table 2, use the following command:

python --mode train --training-steps 20000 --dataset Panorama --dataset-path datasets/panorama --model crn --seed 41020

The maximum obtained roc auc value is shown in the command line in the progress bar. It is also logged in a directory called logged_metrics. There a new subdirectory version_n is created with n being the largest number in the directory for the newest run being logged there. This subdirectory contains a metrics.csv, which contains the metrics/max_roc_auc when it was logged (this value is not logged in rows before it was first logged, the last row of the csv file contains the final max roc auc score). This repository also contains the code for the DAGAN [1] model, so in order to reproduce the results for the DAGAN model in the same table, simply use the --model dagan option. In our setup, average run time for the panorama dataset was about 2 hours 20 minutes.

To evaluate CRN on the annotated road images and reproduce Table 3, use the following command:

python --mode train --training-steps 20000 --dataset RoadImages --dataset-path datasets/roadimages --model crn --seed 41020

The maximum obtained roc auc value is shown in the command line in the progress bar. It is also logged in a directory called logged_metrics. There a new subdirectory version_n is created with n being the largest number in the directory for the newest run being logged there. This subdirectory contains a metrics.csv, which contains the metrics/max_roc_auc when it was logged (this value is not logged in rows before it was first logged, the last row of the csv file contains the final max roc auc score). In order to reproduce the results for the DAGAN model in the same table, again, just use the --model dagan option. In our setup, average run time for the road images dataset was about 2.5 hours.

To view a full list of parameters, including e.g. the number of competitive units, optimizer or loss weights, run:

python --help

To reproduce Figure 7 of the paper, you can run the command below with different numbers of competitive units and for different categories of MVTec.

python --mode train --training-steps 20000 --model crn --dataset MVTec --dataset-path=datasets/mvtec/cable --seed 41020 --num-competitive-units 12

The maximum obtained roc auc value is shown in the command line in the progress bar. It is also logged in a directory called logged_metrics. There a new subdirectory version_n is created with n being the largest number in the directory for the newest run being logged there. This subdirectory contains a metrics.csv, which contains the metrics/max_roc_auc when it was logged (this value is not logged in rows before it was first logged, the last row of the csv file contains the final max roc auc score).

Demo mode:

As the hardware requirements to run the experiments are rather high (the results of the papers were obtained using a A100 graphics card), you can enable demo mode with the flag --demo. This sets the batch size to 2, the maximum network depth to 3, the image size used for training to 32x32, the number of competitive units to 3 and the maximum number of training steps to 50.

Using only an intel i7 cpu, the following command took roughly 10 min. The obtained maximum roc auc was 0.543.

python --mode train --dataset RoadImages --dataset-path datasets/roadimages --model crn --demo --num-workers 4 --cpu --seed 41020


We are not publishing the code to map the predicted anomaly scores for each image back to the point clouds they were rendered from. So Figure 6 is not fully reproducible with this repository. However, using inference, pictures are generated containing anomaly scores for each pixel. These can be used to somewhat reproduce Figure 6 of the paper. To run inference, you first need to train a model and store checkpoints using the --checkpoint-path flag, e.g. for road images:

python --mode train --dataset RoadImages --dataset-path datasets/roadimages --model crn --checkpoint-path model_checkpoints

This stores the best CRN state in model_checkpoints/. Note: this command can also be executed using the --demo and --cpu flag.

To calculate anomaly scores for one whole datasets as well as anomaly pictures, use the following command:

python --mode inference --dataset RoadImages --dataset-path datasets/roadimages --model crn --model-input "model_checkpoints/last.ckpt" --image-output-path inference_images/

For --model-input make sure to give the correct path to the last model checkpoint. This command can also be executed with the --cpu flag. In our setup this step took about 10 min (where the CRNs where not trained with in demo mode. Demo mode reduces this runtime to roughly 1 minute).

To make inference for different datasets, (RoadImages, MVTec or Panorama) adjust the --dataset and --dataset-path parameters accordingly.

After inference, you can look at the pictures generated in the diff directory to make a qualitative evaluation of the results.

Hyperparameter Optimization

The wandb sweep configuration used in the paper to optain an optimized set of hyperparameters can be found in the hyperparameter_optimization_sweep.yml. To start a hyperparameter optimization run, use the following command:

wandb sweep hyperparameter_optimization_sweep.yml

Note: you need a W&B account for this. This gives you an wandb agent ... command that you can execute on a machine equipped with suitable hardware (i.e. a graphics card with 12GB+ vram). The agent will then test different hyperparameter configurations using the bayes optimization algorithm. You can start multiple agents on different machines.

You can also use the wandb_sweep.yml file to simply test all categories of the MVTec dataset in a row. For this, simply swap the sweep configuration filename above with wandb_sweep.yml.

[1] Tang, Ta-Wei, et al. "Anomaly detection neural network with dual auto-encoders GAN and its industrial inspection applications." Sensors 20.12 (2020): 3336.