Flappy Flask application to upload videos or images to a web server. Users can describe the photo and add a date.
- File upload
- Users can upload pictures
- It does not need a database
- Files get stored in the files ystem
- Administrators can view all pictures on one page with the user inserted data
- The server has to run on Linux
- Python3
pip packages (tested)
- autopep8 1.5.5
- click 7.1.2
- dnspython 2.1.0
- email-validator 1.1.2
- Flask 1.1.2
- Flask-Login 0.5.0
- Flask-Reuploaded 0.4.0
- Flask-Uploads 0.2.1
- Flask-WTF 0.14.3
- idna 3.1
- itsdangerous 1.1.0
- Jinja2 2.11.2
- MarkupSafe 1.1.1
- pip 20.0.2
- pkg-resources 0.0.0
- pycodestyle 2.6.0
- setuptools 44.0.0
- toml 0.10.2
- Werkzeug 0.16.0
- WTForms 2.3.3
Bootstrap is used with filestyle.
For debugging on local host
- install python 3
- go into a new project folder
- execute the "setupDev.sh" script to create a virtual environment and install the dependencies
$ sudo apt-get install python3
$ cd nameOfProjectFolder
$ ./setupDev.sh
To start the webServer
$ cd nameOfProjectFolder
$ ./start.sh
Customize your instance of this application by editing the "config. json" file. You although can switch between different configurations by setting the environment variable "CONF_FIELD" to a value existing in your json File.
"default": {
"bilderupload": {
environment variable "CONF_FIELD"
$export CONF_FIELD=default
$export CONF_FIELD=bilderupload
To deploy the application on apache2 follow this guide: [https://www.codementor.io/@abhishake/minimal-apache-configuration-for-deploying-a-flask-app-ubuntu-18-04-phu50a7ft]
Otherwise, read the documentation. [https://flask.palletsprojects.com/en/1.1.x/deploying/]
You can use the "pipi.sh" script to install the pip dependencies.
Important, before you deploy! change the password
and secret
in config.json
"password": "superSicher123123", <---change this
"username": "admin",
"secret": "a6d7f6bhas9d8f76asdf876af8364fgaiefzba3f7ae87zvgiawuzegfivawefz", <---change this
- Fix Date Field
- Fix color of file upload
- Change CSS Theme
- move "database" location