This is a software designed to make the management of a solidaric agriculture community easier.
brew install rbenv nvm
rbenv install 3.0.5
rbenv global 3.0.5
nvm install v12.22.7
npm install --target_arch=x64
bundle install
yarn install
# if no yarn for current node version
npm install --global [email protected]
Create db and seed some testdata.
rake db:migrate
rake db:seed
rails server
goto: http://localhost:3000
There is a seeded user you can use to login:
Username: [email protected] / Password: supersicher offers a free account and directly after registration you see how to configure rails to use it.
annotate --models
annotate --routes
docker exec -it my-app-container bash
docker exec -it my-app-container bash
User.create(:email => "my-email", :password => 'my-password', :password_confirmation => 'my-password')
CircleCi builds the master branch and creates and uploads a docker image with the respective build number. That's for now what we use. There are no specifically versioned releases.