uv-k5-LoseHu-R9OOT-bootloader-custom-independant-configs Public
Forked from losehu/uv-k5-bootloader-customLoseHu Base and Additional bootloaders for 256KiB EEPROM edited by R9OOT
Multibootloader configurator for UVK5/K6 based on Multiboot by LoseHu and BD8DFN
animaide Public
Forked from aresdevo/animaideAnimAide is a free add-on for Blender that has some helpful tools for animation.
Python UpdatedDec 9, 2021 -
addonsByMe Public
Forked from sambler/addonsByMeA collection of blender addons that I have created.
Python Other UpdatedJan 2, 2019 -