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Software Heritage GraphQL API

This repository holds the development of Software Heritage GraphQL API. The service is available at A staging version of this service is available at

Running locally

Refer to for running software heritage services locally.

If you wish to run SWH-GraphQL independently, and have access to SWH storage services, following make targets can be used.

  • make run-dev: Use the config file at swh/graphql/config/dev.yml and start the service in auto-reload mode using uvicorn
  • make run-dev-stable: Use the config file at swh/graphql/config/dev.yml and start the service using uvicorn
  • make run-dev-docker: Run the service inside a docker container and Use the config file at swh/graphql/config/dev.yml
  • make run-wsgi-docker: Run the service inside a docker container and Use the config file at swh/graphql/config/staging.yml
  • visit http://localhost:8000 to use the query explorer

Running a query

The easiest way to run a query is using the query explorer here Please login using the SWH credentials if you wish to run bigger queries.

Using curl

curl -i -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H "Authorization: bearer your-api-token" -X POST -d '{"query": "query {origins(first: 2) {nodes {url}}}"}'

Using Python requests

import requests

url = ""
query = """
  origins(first: 2) {
    pageInfo {
    edges {
      node {
json = {"query" : query}
headers = {}
# api_token = "your-api-token"
# headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer %s' % api_token}
r =, json=json, headers=headers)
print (r.json())


The server can return either a Node object (eg: Origin type) or a Connection object. All the connection objects can be paginated using cursors.

All the entrypoints that return a Connection (eg: origins entrypoint that returns an OriginConnection type) will accept the following arguments.

  • first: An integer. The number of objects to return a.k.a the page size. This is a mandatory argument for most of the connections. The maximum value of first is limited to 1000. There are some entrypoints where the first argument is not mandatory. (eg: statuses inside a Visit type) Default value of first will be set to 50 in those cases.
  • after: A string. The cursor to be used for pagination. If no cursor is given, the server will return first number of objects from the beginning.

Every connection type will have the following fields.

  • edges: This will be a list of objects with the following fields.
    • node: The requested SWH object.
    • cursor: Cursor to the specific object (item cursor). (This field is not available in all connections for the time being). This cursor can be used to paginate starting from this particular object.
  • nodes: A list of SWH objects. This is a shortcut to access the SWH objects without going through the edges layer, but it not possible to get an item cursor using nodes.
  • pageInfo: Data to be used for querying subsequent pages. Contains the following fields.
    • endCursor: Cursor to request the next page.
    • hasNextPage A boolean value.
  • totalCount: Total number of objects available in the connection after applying the given filters. This is not available for many connections for the time being.

Example for pagination using edges

Get the contents of a directory

query getDirectoryContent {
  directory(swhid: "swh:1:dir:b0b6050efa0634ecded8508a7ab9c6774ca69ac8") {
    entries(first: 5, after: "NQ==") {
      edges {
        node {
          name {
      pageInfo {

Example for pagination using nodes

query getDirectoryContent {
  directory(swhid: "swh:1:dir:b0b6050efa0634ecded8508a7ab9c6774ca69ac8") {
    entries(first: 2, after: "NTA=") {
      nodes {
        name {
      pageInfo {