Graduate informatics student at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology persuing a M.Sc. in Interaction Design, Game and Learning Technology.
I am interested in
- Graphics (notably path tracing, voxels and color perception)
- Programming Languages and Metaprogramming
- Physical Modelling of Instruments and Room Acoustics
Some notable projects I have worked on
- FFI Middleware:
bachelors thesis in collaboration with the Norwegian Defence Force Research Establishment
on ways of mitigating problems with traditional TCP based communication over
military networks. - 6502 Macroprocessor:
an educational project aimed at making a replica of a 6502 microprocessor on breadboard. - sim86:
rough first pass of a full 8086 decoder and partial simulator for Computer Enhance course work. - illum:
clean up of course project in graphics on path traced caustics with dispersion.
Current version supports only static spheres and non-dispersive refraction, but dispersion and a
Metropolis Light Transport like scheme is planned. - norse6502:
rewrite of visual6502 in the programming language odin to allow programmatic extraction
of the 6502 random control logic. - rin:
exploration of different designs for a compiler