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todo docs

todo docs #948

# build-N-test-v1-Dev and build-N-test-v1-Release are nearly
# identical, but a few tests are commented out (to not needlessly stress CI system)
# for v1-Dev builds; and on.push.branches setting
# NOTE: I've tried many tricks - none which seem to work - to get this working on one file with one
# workflow and tests
# but none seem to work
name: build-N-test-v1-Dev
- v1-Dev
# - v1-Release
description: "ignored"
required: false
default: ""
COMMIT_ID2BUILD: ${{ github.sha }}
# vm has 2 virtual CPUs, but 8GB ram, so jobs=5 (empirical), and QUICK_BUILD avoids some internal testing
## NB: JOBS section IDENTICAL between v1-Dev and v1-Release files EXCEPT that on v1-Dev file
## comment out all entries marked with includeInDevBranchBuilds: false
runs-on: ${{ matrix.runs_on }}
## ubuntu 18.04
- displayTargetName: ubuntu-18.04-g++-8 (Debug)
os: unix
compiler: g++-8
runs_on: ubuntu-latest
container_image: sophistsolutionsinc/whythefuckismynetworksoslow-ubuntu-1804
cpp_version: c++17
config_name: Debug
# Turn off debug syms to save space, avoid failed build
extra_config_args: --apply-default-debug-flags --trace2file enable --debug-symbols false
includeInDevBranchBuilds: true
# - displayTargetName: ubuntu-18.04-g++-8
# os: unix
# compiler: g++-8
# runs_on: ubuntu-latest
# container_image: sophistsolutionsinc/whythefuckismynetworksoslow-ubuntu-1804
# cpp_version: c++17
# config_name: Release
# extra_config_args: --apply-default-release-flags
# includeInDevBranchBuilds: false
# - displayTargetName: ubuntu-18.04-X2-raspberrypi
# os: unix
# compiler: arm-linux-gnueabihf-g++-8
# runs_on: ubuntu-latest
# container_image: sophistsolutionsinc/whythefuckismynetworksoslow-ubuntu-1804
# cpp_version: c++17
# config_name: Release
# extra_config_args: --apply-default-release-flags --compiler-driver arm-linux-gnueabihf-g++-8 --cross-compiling true
# includeInDevBranchBuilds: false
# ubuntu 20.04
- displayTargetName: ubuntu-20.04-g++-10 (Debug)
os: unix
compiler: g++-10
runs_on: ubuntu-latest
container_image: sophistsolutionsinc/whythefuckismynetworksoslow-ubuntu-2004
cpp_version: c++17
config_name: Debug
extra_config_args: --apply-default-debug-flags --trace2file enable
includeInDevBranchBuilds: true
- displayTargetName: ubuntu-20.04-g++-10
os: unix
compiler: g++-10
runs_on: ubuntu-latest
container_image: sophistsolutionsinc/whythefuckismynetworksoslow-ubuntu-2004
cpp_version: c++17
config_name: Release
extra_config_args: --apply-default-release-flags
includeInDevBranchBuilds: true
- displayTargetName: ubuntu-20.04-g++-10-c++2a
os: unix
compiler: g++-10
runs_on: ubuntu-latest
container_image: sophistsolutionsinc/whythefuckismynetworksoslow-ubuntu-2004
cpp_version: c++2a
config_name: Release
extra_config_args: --apply-default-release-flags --trace2file enable
includeInDevBranchBuilds: true
- displayTargetName: ubuntu-20.04-X2-raspberrypi
os: unix
compiler: arm-linux-gnueabihf-g++-10
runs_on: ubuntu-latest
container_image: sophistsolutionsinc/whythefuckismynetworksoslow-ubuntu-2004
cpp_version: c++2a
config_name: Release
extra_config_args: --apply-default-release-flags --compiler-driver arm-linux-gnueabihf-g++-10 --cross-compiling true
includeInDevBranchBuilds: true
- displayTargetName: ubuntu-20.04-X2-raspberrypi (Debug)
os: unix
compiler: arm-linux-gnueabihf-g++-10
runs_on: ubuntu-latest
container_image: sophistsolutionsinc/whythefuckismynetworksoslow-ubuntu-2004
cpp_version: c++2a
config_name: Debug
# - explains the suppression of ASAN
extra_config_args: --apply-default-debug-flags --compiler-driver arm-linux-gnueabihf-g++-10 --cross-compiling true --no-sanitize address
includeInDevBranchBuilds: true
# ubuntu 22.04
# - displayTargetName: ubuntu-22.04-g++-12 (Debug)
# os: unix
# compiler: g++-12
# runs_on: ubuntu-latest
# container_image: sophistsolutionsinc/whythefuckismynetworksoslow-ubuntu-2204
# cpp_version: c++20
# config_name: Debug
# extra_config_args: --apply-default-debug-flags --trace2file enable
# includeInDevBranchBuilds: false
# - displayTargetName: ubuntu-22.04-g++-12 (Debug-tsan-ubsan)
# os: unix
# compiler: g++-12
# runs_on: ubuntu-latest
# container_image: sophistsolutionsinc/whythefuckismynetworksoslow-ubuntu-2204
# cpp_version: c++20
# config_name: Debug-tsan-ubsan
# extra_config_args: --apply-default-debug-flags --trace2file enable --sanitize none,thread,undefined
# includeInDevBranchBuilds: false
- displayTargetName: ubuntu-22.04-g++-12
os: unix
compiler: g++-12
runs_on: ubuntu-latest
container_image: sophistsolutionsinc/whythefuckismynetworksoslow-ubuntu-2204
cpp_version: c++20
config_name: Release
extra_config_args: --apply-default-release-flags
includeInDevBranchBuilds: true
- displayTargetName: ubuntu-22.04-X2-raspberrypi
os: unix
compiler: arm-linux-gnueabihf-g++-12
runs_on: ubuntu-latest
container_image: sophistsolutionsinc/whythefuckismynetworksoslow-ubuntu-2204
cpp_version: c++20
config_name: Release
extra_config_args: --apply-default-release-flags --compiler-driver arm-linux-gnueabihf-g++-12 --cross-compiling true
includeInDevBranchBuilds: true
# - displayTargetName: ubuntu-22.04-X2-raspberrypi (Debug)
# os: unix
# compiler: arm-linux-gnueabihf-g++-12
# runs_on: ubuntu-latest
# container_image: sophistsolutionsinc/whythefuckismynetworksoslow-ubuntu-2204
# cpp_version: c++20
# config_name: Debug
# extra_config_args: --apply-default-debug-flags --compiler-driver arm-linux-gnueabihf-g++-12 --cross-compiling true
# includeInDevBranchBuilds: false
container: ${{ matrix.container_image }}
- name: Build System Info
if: ${{ matrix.os=='unix' }}
run: |
lsb_release -d 2>/dev/null || true
echo "CWD=" `pwd`
echo "nproc=" `nproc`
grep "model name" /proc/cpuinfo | head -1
grep processor /proc/cpuinfo | wc -l
grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo
df -h
- name: Build System Info (Windows)
if: ${{ matrix.os=='windows' }}
run: |
echo "CWD=" `pwd`
df -h
# Couldn't get uses: actions/checkout@v2 working with submodules
- name: Checkout
run: |
git clone
cd WhyTheFuckIsMyNetworkSoSlow
git checkout $COMMIT_ID2BUILD
git submodule update --recursive --init
- name: Create build root structure
shell: "bash"
run: |
cd WhyTheFuckIsMyNetworkSoSlow
make build-root
- name: Configure ${{ matrix.config_name }}
run: |
cd WhyTheFuckIsMyNetworkSoSlow
cd ThirdPartyComponents/Stroika/StroikaRoot && ./configure ${{ matrix.config_name }} --compiler-driver ${{ matrix.compiler }} ${{ matrix.extra_config_args }} --cppstd-version ${{ matrix.cpp_version }}
cat ConfigurationFiles/${{ matrix.config_name }}.xml
- name: Make ThirdPartyComponents
# break out this make and clean to reduce disk space usage (running out of space on debug builds)
run: |
cd WhyTheFuckIsMyNetworkSoSlow
make --directory=ThirdPartyComponents CONFIGURATION=${{ matrix.config_name }} all
make --directory=ThirdPartyComponents CONFIGURATION=${{ matrix.config_name }} clean
- name: Make all
run: |
cd WhyTheFuckIsMyNetworkSoSlow
make all
- name: Archive Build Results
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
name: ${{ matrix.displayTargetName }} Installers
path: |
WhyTheFuckIsMyNetworkSoSlow/Builds/${{ matrix.config_name }}/WhyTheFuckIsMyNetworkSoSlow/*.deb
runs-on: ${{ matrix.runs_on }}
# Add to extra_config_args for build speed: --Xerces no --OpenSSL no --lzma no --boost no
# - displayTargetName: MacOS-x86_64-Debug
# os: macos-latest
# runs_on: macos-latest
# config_name: Debug
# extra_config_args: --apply-default-debug-flags --trace2file enable
# includeInDevBranchBuilds: false
- displayTargetName: MacOS-x86_64
os: macos-latest
runs_on: macos-latest
config_name: Release
extra_config_args: --apply-default-release-flags
includeInDevBranchBuilds: true
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
ref: ${{ env.COMMIT_ID2BUILD }}
- name: Checkout submodules
run: git submodule update --init --recursive
- name: Build System Info
run: |
echo "CWD: `pwd`"
df -h
system_profiler SPSoftwareDataType
# If we had docker ability, most of these would be built into a docker file
- name: Install Basic Build requirements
run: |
brew install gnu-sed
brew install p7zip
brew install automake
make --no-print-directory --directory ThirdPartyComponents/Stroika/StroikaRoot install-realpath
- name: Create build root structure
run: |
make build-root
- name: Configure
run: |
cd ThirdPartyComponents/Stroika/StroikaRoot && ./configure ${{ matrix.config_name }} ${{ matrix.extra_config_args }}
cat ConfigurationFiles/${{ matrix.config_name }}.xml
- name: Build All
run: |
make all
- name: Build System Info
run: |
df -h
- name: Archive Installers Results
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
name: ${{ matrix.displayTargetName }} Installers
path: |
Builds/${{ matrix.config_name }}/WhyTheFuckIsMyNetworkSoSlow/*
runs-on: ${{ matrix.runs_on }}
# Add to extra_config_args for build speed: --Xerces no --OpenSSL no --lzma no --boost no
- displayTargetName: windows-x86-Debug
os: windows
runs_on: windows-latest
container_image: sophistsolutionsinc/whythefuckismynetworksoslow-windows-cygwin-vs2k19
config_name: windows-x86-Debug
extra_config_args: --arch x86 --apply-default-debug-flags --trace2file enable
includeInDevBranchBuilds: true
# - displayTargetName: windows-x86-Release
# os: windows
# runs_on: windows-latest
# container_image: sophistsolutionsinc/whythefuckismynetworksoslow-windows-cygwin-vs2k19
# config_name: Release
# extra_config_args: --arch x86 --apply-default-release-flags --trace2file enable
# includeInDevBranchBuilds: false
# - displayTargetName: windows-x86_64-Debug
# os: windows
# runs_on: windows-latest
# container_image: sophistsolutionsinc/whythefuckismynetworksoslow-windows-cygwin-vs2k19
# config_name: Debug
# extra_config_args: --arch x86_64 --apply-default-debug-flags --trace2file enable
# includeInDevBranchBuilds: false
# - displayTargetName: windows-x86_64-Release
# os: windows
# runs_on: windows-latest
# container_image: sophistsolutionsinc/whythefuckismynetworksoslow-windows-cygwin-vs2k19
# config_name: Release
# extra_config_args: --arch x86_64 --apply-default-release-flags --trace2file enable
# includeInDevBranchBuilds: false
ARTIFACTS_DIR: "c:/Artifacts/"
- name: Build System Info
shell: "bash"
run: |
echo "CWD: `pwd`"
df -h
- name: docker pull ${{ matrix.container_image }}
run: docker pull ${{ matrix.container_image }}
- name: Start docker build environment
run: |
docker run --tty --memory 5G --cpus 2 --storage-opt 'size=50GB' --detach --name buildContainer ${{ matrix.container_image }}
- name: Print Info about docker system
shell: "bash"
run: |
docker exec buildContainer systeminfo
docker exec buildContainer df -h
- name: Git Checkout
shell: "bash"
run: |
docker exec buildContainer git clone
docker exec --workdir c:/WhyTheFuckIsMyNetworkSoSlow/ buildContainer git checkout $COMMIT_ID2BUILD
docker exec --workdir c:/WhyTheFuckIsMyNetworkSoSlow/ buildContainer git submodule update --recursive --init
- name: Create build root structure
shell: "bash"
run: |
docker exec --workdir c:/WhyTheFuckIsMyNetworkSoSlow buildContainer make build-root
- name: Configure
shell: "bash"
run: |
docker exec --workdir c:/WhyTheFuckIsMyNetworkSoSlow/ThirdPartyComponents/Stroika/StroikaRoot buildContainer sh -c "./configure ${{ matrix.config_name }} ${{ matrix.extra_config_args }}"
docker exec --workdir c:/WhyTheFuckIsMyNetworkSoSlow/ThirdPartyComponents/Stroika/StroikaRoot buildContainer cat ConfigurationFiles/${{ matrix.config_name }}.xml
- name: Build
shell: "bash"
run: |
docker exec --workdir c:/WhyTheFuckIsMyNetworkSoSlow --env MAKEFLAGS="$MAKEFLAGS" buildContainer make all
- name: Build System Info
shell: "bash"
run: |
df -h
docker exec buildContainer df -h
- name: Copy Build Artifacts
shell: "bash"
# due to flaws in docker (windows must stop) - and cp no wildcards
run: |
docker stop buildContainer
docker cp buildContainer:WhyTheFuckIsMyNetworkSoSlow/Builds/${{ matrix.config_name }}/ $ARTIFACTS_DIR 2> /dev/null
- name: Archive Installer Results
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
name: ${{ matrix.displayTargetName }} Installers
path: |
${{ env.ARTIFACTS_DIR }}/WhyTheFuckIsMyNetworkSoSlow/*.msi