ecode 0.6.4
15 commits
to main
since this release
Yet another small release with bug fixes and performance improvements
- Added OCaml syntax highlighting support (thanks to @mdales!) and ocaml-lsp support.
- Added Julia LSP support using LanguageServer.jl.
- Added Fortran LSP support using fortls, plus some syntax highlighting improvements.
- Added perl LSP support using PerlNavigator, plus some syntax highlighting improvements..
- Added double click over the tab bar (on an empty space) will now open a new untitled document (issue #361).
- Added animated gif support in image previews.
- Allow to locate and open image files from the universal locator.
- Optimized multiple cursors selection (issue #356).
- Optimized how the file system directory is fetched when loading a single file from file system, now it will load asynchronously, avoiding hanging the application on very large directories (issue #357).
- Fixed using new line with multi-cursors in the same line (#364).
- Fixed linter errors and warnings being incorrectly positioned when the line was wrapped.
- Fixed how EINTR signal is handled, fixes LSP and Git plugins on Haiku (issue #83).
- Fixed selected text being deleted when switching to another application on some Linux window managers (issue #355).
- Fixed IME suggestions positioning.
- Fixed a rare crash when loading empty file from disk.
- Fixed a rare dead-lock when trying to rise the window on Linux.
- Fixed a crash when opening a file from the "Build Issues" view.
- Fixed a crash when re running "Build & Run" when a "Run" application process is still running.
- More general optimizations related to heap allocs (to improve general rendering performance).