Below are some basic examples of the functionality in this extension
// Init
// Get max memory of the system
var max_mem = sysinfo_get_memory_max();
// Get the memory usage of the game
var mem = sysinfo_proc_mem_usage();
// Display the cur / max (pct%)
var max_mb = max_mem / 1024 / 1024;
var mem_mb = mem / 1024 / 1024;
draw_text(0, 0, string(mem_mb) + " / " + string(max_mb) + " (" + string(mem / max_mem * 100) + "%)");
// Init
// Get the CPU and memory usage of the game
var cpu_name = sysinfo_get_cpu_brand();
var cpu = sysinfo_get_cpu_usage();
// Display the %
draw_text(0, 0, cpu_name + ": " + string(cpu) + "%");
// Init
// Get the host name
var host = sysinfo_get_hostname();
var user = sysinfo_get_username();
// Display the host name
draw_text(0, 0, user + "@" + host);
// Init
// Get the GPU name
let gpu = sysinfo_get_gpu_name();
if (string_pos("RTX", gpu) == 0) {
show_message_async("Sorry, but your GPU sucks :/");
- CPU usage
- Get usage for a specific core
- Memory usage
- System name/hostname
- GPU info
- GPU usage
Initializes the extension. This must be called before any other functions are called.
Returns the username of the current user.
Returns the hostname of the system.
Returns the PID of the game.
Returns the current CPU usage of the game in percent.
Returns the brand name of the CPU.
Returns the number of cores the CPU has.
Returns the frequency of the CPU in MHz.
Returns the CPU usage of the system in percent.
Returns the CPU usage of the game in percent.
Returns the number of cores the CPU has.
Returns the vendor ID of the CPU.
Returns the name of the GPU.
Returns the amount of VRAM the GPU has in bytes.
Returns the maximum memory of the system in bytes.
Returns the memory used by the system in bytes.
Returns the memory used by the game in bytes.