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Spinoco Data Connector

This project contains the source of the Spinoco data connector.

Spinoco data connector is a tool that can be used to retrieve datasets from the Spinoco Platform in near real-time .

The tool is designed to run as a service, ideally packaged in a provided docker image.


The tool is configured using environment variables.

Common configuration parameters

Variable Example value Description
SP_API_TOKEN API token obtained from Spinoco Account. Please see instructions on how to obtain one here.
SP_TASK_SYNC_TAG my_sync_tag Tag that is used to keep the synchronization state on the Spinoco Platform. Must be unique for a given user, and must be maximum 64 characters (UTF8).
SP_TASK_SYNC_FILE_NAME_TEMPLATE see below Contains template for the file that is generated from the metadata of the task.
SP_TASK_SYNC_GET_DATA recordings, transcriptions Which data to get. See below for supported options.
SP_TASK_SYNC_DELETE_DATA recordings Which data to remove from the Spinoco Platform after successful synchronization (Recordings only supported now)
SP_TASK_SYNC_SAVE_TO /data Root of the synchronization
SP_TASK_START_FROM 2024-09-09T15:45:47.277Z Date from which the synchronization should start. This is useful when you want to synchronize only the data that was created after a certain date. Note that this is only applied on the initial synchornization start. If the synchrionization has been started already, this is ignored.
SP_TASK_SYNC_STORAGE_PROVIDER local Storage provider to use. Currently supported are: local, s3, gcs, azure.
SP_TASK_SYNC_SKILLS_MUST SK1,SK2 Skills that tasks must have (all from the list) in order to be included in the synchronization
SP_TASK_SYNC_SKILLS_MUSTNOT SK1,SK2 Skills that tasks must not have (none from the list) in order to be included in the synchronization
SP_TASK_SYNC_SKILLS_SHOULD SK1,SK2 Skills that tasks should have (any of the list) in order to be included in the synchronization
SP_TASK_SYNC_HASHTAGS_MUST 1d4de98c-c130-11ef-9cd2-0242ac120002,1d4de98c-c130-11ef-9cd2-0242ac120002 HashTags that tasks must have (all from the list) in order to be included in the synchronization
SP_TASK_SYNC_HASHTAGS_MUSTNOT 1d4de98c-c130-11ef-9cd2-0242ac120002 HashTags that tasks must have (none from the list) in order to be included in the synchronization
SP_TASK_SYNC_HASHTAGS_SHOULD 1d4de98c-c130-11ef-9cd2-0242ac120002:value2 HashTags that tasks must have (any of the list) in order to be included in the synchronization
SP_LOG_LEVEL info Log level of the tool. Possible values are: error, warn, info, debug, trace.

File Storage Configuration

Tool supports multiple storage providers. Currently following storage providers are supported:

  • Local File System
  • AWS S3
  • Google Cloud Storage
  • Azure Blob Storage

See below for configuring the storage providers.

Local File System

This is default storage provider. Value of SP_TASK_SYNC_STORAGE_PROVIDER must be set to local or leaved as empty for this storage provider to work. There is no additional parameters / configuration options required to be specified.

Files will be stored under directory specified in SP_TASK_SYNC_SAVE_TO environment variable.


This is storage provider that allows to store files in AWS S3 Bucket. To use this provider value of SP_TASK_SYNC_STORAGE_PROVIDER must be set to s3.

Following additional parameters must be set (all required):

Variable Example value Description
SP_TASK_SYNC_S3_BUCKET my_bucket Name of the S3 bucket where the files will be stored.
SP_TASK_SYNC_S3_REGION eu-central-1 Region of the S3 bucket.

Following methods can be used to provide credentials:

  • Environment variables AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
  • Shared credentials file at ~/.aws/credentials
  • Credentials provided by ECS orchestrator
  • Credentials loaded from AWS IAM using the credentials provider of the Amazon EC2 instance (if configured in the instance metadata)

For more information see AWS SDK for JavaScript

Google Cloud Storage

This is storage provider that allows to store files in Google Cloud Storage. To use this provider value of SP_TASK_SYNC_STORAGE_PROVIDER must be set to gcs.

Following additional parameters must be set (all are required):

Variable Example value Description
SP_TASK_SYNC_GCS_BUCKET my_bucket Name of the GCS bucket where the files will be stored.
SP_TASK_SYNC_GCS_PROJECT my_project User project identification where the bucket is created.

Following methods can be used to provide credentials:

  • Environment variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS that stores path to the JSON file with the credentials of service account
  • Google's default application credentials
  • Credentials provided by GCP orchestrator.

For more information see Google Cloud Storage

Azure Blob Storage

This is storage provider that allows to store files in Azure Blob Storage. To use this provider value of SP_TASK_SYNC_STORAGE_PROVIDER must be set to azure.

Following additional parameters must be set (all are required):

Variable Example value Description
SP_TASK_SYNC_AZURE_DSN my_bucket Azure DSN Connection string, containing the credentials to the BLOB storage
SP_TASK_SYNC_AZURE_CLIENT_NAME my_client Name of teh Azure Blob Storage client

Supported data types

Tool allows to configure which data to support while synchronizing. Following data types are supported:

  • CallMetadata - Metadata of the calls. Data are downloaded as file with meta.json suffix.
  • Recordings - Call recordings. There may be 0 or more recordings per task. Data are downloaded as file with .ogg suffix.
  • Transcriptions - Transcriptions of the calls. Each recording may or may not have a transcription. Data are downloaded as file with trans.json suffix.
  • ChatMetadata - Metadata of the chat messages. Data are downloaded as file with meta.json suffix.
  • ChatHistory - Chat history. Individual chat messages received or sent in each chat conversation. Data are downloaded as file with history.json suffix.
  • SMSMetadata - Metadata of the SMS messages. Data are downloaded as file with meta.json suffix.
  • EmailMetadata - Metadata of the emails. Data are downloaded as file with meta.json suffix.
  • CommonMetadata - Metadata of the tasks. Data are downloaded as file with meta.json suffix.
  • WorkflowMetadata - Metadata of the workflows. Data are downloaded as file with meta.json suffix.

File Name Template

To facilitate different needs to organize and structure data at the storage provider side, there is a template that allows to provide a custom format of the directories and filenames where the data will be stored.

The template is using the following placeholders:

Placeholder Example Description
due_date 2021-01-01 Due date of the task. This is the date at which the task was scheduled to be completed. Additionally, formating options can be passed after due_date to extract the date or just a part of the date.
task_id b808d74e-84b2-11ef-b864-0242ac120002 ID of the task
call_from 420123456789 Caller number in the E164 international format
call_to 420987654321 Called number in the E164 international format

To format the date (due_date), you can use date formatting options from the Java Date Format described here : Java Date Format.

Example template


This will result in the following file name


Note that based on the type of the file, the following suffixes are added :

suffix Description
.ogg Call recording in ogg format.
.trans.json Transcription of the call in JSON format.

If, for example, the template results in the file name above and both the recording and the transcription are downloaded, the following files will be created:

2004/12/01/20041201120000-b808d74e-84b2-11ef-b864-0242ac120002.ogg 2004/12/01/20041201120000-b808d74e-84b2-11ef-b864-0242ac120002.trans.json

Filtering only specific tasks to be included with synchronization

In certain situations you want to download only certain data to your storage. This can be achieved by specific whihc skills or hashtags task should, must or must not have.

For example if you want to download only tasks that have skill SK1 and SK2, you can set the following environment variable:


For HashTags, HashTag must be specified in the format hash_tag_id:value. For example if you want to download only tasks that have hashtag 1d4de98c-c130-11ef-9cd2-0242ac120002 with value value2, you can set the following environment variable:


Note that for both skills and hashtags filter multiple values are supported and may be separated by comma.


As the tool is provided as a docker image, it can be easily used by any orchestrator, which supports docker images, such as Docker Compose or Kubernetes.

Docker image is available from the public docker hub repository - spinoco/connector:latest.

Docker Compose

Docker Compose is natively supported and there is even a sample docker-compose-example.yml file provided in the repository.

docker-compose up -d docker-compose-example.yml

Running it from the command line

Before you can run the tool, you need to build it.

# this installs all the needed npm packages 
npm install

# this creates the distribution package in the dist directory 
npm run dist

To run the tool from the command line, you can use the following command

node dist/bundle.js