An addon that adds random but useful modules to meteor
- Pearl Phase: Attempts to phase with pearls
- Creeper Aura: Places creeper eggs on target (for 8b8t)
- Prefix:
- Item Renderer: Custom hand renders
- Piston Push: button mode
- Block Clap: Pearls into a nearby block
- Custom Fov: Allows you to exceed minecraft's fov limit
- Auto Chunk Ban: Places and breaks a shulker near the player
- Tnt Aura: Automatically places tnt ontop of targets head
- Auto gold: Switches to gold armor or items when near piglins.
- Twerk:
- Minecart Aura: Automatically places and explodes minecarts
- Auto Snowball: Shoots snowballs at enemies
- Burrow Esp: Renders a block that the target is burrowed into
- Blocker: Replaces nearby crystals with obsidian
- Piston Burrow: aah yes sex
- Death Effect: Renders an effect on entities that recently died
- Auto Run: Automatically runs when a player enters you visual range (requires baritone)
- Multi Task: Break blocks while eating
- Auto Dupe: Item frame dupe
- Auto Mine: insane
- Player Tp: tps to nearest player
- Fake Kick: Auto log but with an excuse
- betrayed: Unfriends everyone
- dupe: Dupes item currently held
- unbind: Unbinds the module
- panic: Toggles everything off
- center: Centers you current position
- crash: Closes you game
- ping: Returns you ping
- title: Changes window title
- tts: Plays the provided message as text