metamutator takes as input a program and produces a metaprogram which contains all possible mutations inserted at compile-time according to a mutant schemata. It is a Java implementation of "Mutation analysis using mutant schemata". However, the mutations are all deactivated by default, meaning that the metaprogram behaves as the original one. Metamutants can be activated and deactivated one by one at runtime.
- Logical comparison (switch between ">", ">=", "!=", etc) (
). - Breaks the loops (no iteration, at 3 iterations, at 100 iterations) (
) - Adds unary operators to numeric values (absolute value, minus, increment (++), decrement (--)) (
) - Sets variables to null at their declaration (
) - Replaces integer constants by 0, INT_MAX (
) - Metamutates return statements that returns Boolean (
) - Skips statements (statement deletion operator) (
Let's assume your project is called foo
and contains two folders src/main/java
and src/test/java
with a test class PgmTest
Install metamutator
git clone
cd metamutator
mvn package
# now we have target/metamutator-*-jar-with-dependencies.jar
Create the metaprogram
java -jar target/metamutator-*-jar-with-dependencies.jar -i src/main/java -p metamutator.LogicalExpressionMetaMutator -o spooned
Compile the metaprogram
javac `find spooned -name "*.java"`
Run the test class (with the metaprogram in the classpath and not the original program)
Based on awesome code by Carlos Fau and Alejandro Russel (
Great contributions from University of Lille's students enrolled in IAGL 2015-2016.