//Link to our front-end docs// //Shield.io badges, show test coverage %//
#Table of Contents
Shaun, Maddy, Tim
##Description of our Service
Narcan Now wants to find the fastest way to get anti-overdose drugs to potential victims–and often times people who can help or locations that could provide the drug are closer than the nearest ambulance.
Users can create accounts which allow them to view/add Narcan locations. Users can also request aid, in which other nearby will be notified and directed to the fastest possible to route
##How to Install
Please refer to out deployed web site, available at //TODO: DEPLOYED URL//. If you'd like to see the backend of our code. Please head to our git hub repo and clone. Make sure to npm install the many dependencies listed in our package.json using npm i. Create a .env file including these values:
MONGO_URI=<your mongo database>
PORT = 3000 //or another port of your choice
CORS_ORIGINS = 'http://localhost:8080'//or another port of your choice
SECRET = '<your secret phrase>'
DEBUG = true
AWS_BUCKET = '<your AWS bucket name>'
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = '<your AWS Secret Access Key>'
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = '<your AWS Access Key>'
##How to Use
API calls can be made to various routes listed in the section below.
##Routes & Sample API Calls
##Sample Use Cases
Narcan Now’s concept is a simple, easy-to-use mobile app designed to connect potential opioid overdose victims with a crowd-sourced network of naloxone carriers. Narcan Now can easily be tailored for use in rural or urban areas by expanding or contracting the radius within which naloxone carriers are sought. An additional innovative feature of Narcan Now is the optional interface with a breathing monitor to detect when a victim’s breathing rate is dangerously low, a sign of an opioid overdose. Hence, if the victim is alone and unable to call for help, Narcan Now will detect the diminished breathing and alert a naloxone carrier of the potential overdose. Other features of Narcan Now include: only alerting people in one’s support network and allowing naloxone carriers to disable alerts when they are unable to respond. The app also provides instructions on how to correctly diagnose an overdose and administer naloxone and helps contact emergency medical services when help is required.
##How to Report a Bug and/or Contribute to this Project
Bugs can be reported using Github issues on our repository. To create a new issue, simply click the green "New Issue" button, and add a description of the issue or bug, with a method for replication if possible.
If you would like to contribute to the project, feel free to fork our repository and create a pull request, which will be reviewed by one of our team members.
##Upcoming Features
##Link to Frontend Docs
Interested in viewing the frontend for this project? Visit our website at: //TODO: Insert this// Interested in the frontend documents for this project? Check out our documents on Github.
##About Us