The Pizza Sales Analytics Dashboard used SQL and Excel to track KPIs like Total Revenue and Pizzas Sold. It featured visualizations on sales trends, categories, and best/worst-sellers, offering actionable insights for business optimization.
- Creating the Report for Queries for Testing
- Connecting Excel to SQL Server
- Data Cleaning
- Data Processing
- Data Analysis by using the Pivot tables
- Data Visualization
- Dashboard Dashboard
We need to analyze key indicators for our pizza sales data to gain insights into our business performance. Specifically, we want to calculate the following metrics:
- Total Revenue: The sum of the total price of all pizza orders.
- Average Order Value: The average amount spent per order, calculated by dividing the total revenue by the total number of orders.
- Total Pizzas Sold: The sum of the quantities of all pizzas sold.
- Total Orders: The total number of orders placed.
- Average Pizzas Per Order: The average number of pizzas sold per order, calculated by dividing the total number of pizzas sold by the total number of orders.
- We would like to visualize various aspects of our pizza sales data to gain insights and understand key trends. We have identified the following requirements for creating charts:
- Daily Trend for Total Orders: (Bar Chat with Trend line) Create a bar chart that displays the daily trend of total orders over a specific time period. This chart will help us identify any patterns or fluctuations in order volumes on a daily basis.
- Hourly Trend for Total Orders: () Create a line chart that illustrates the hourly trend of total orders throughout the day. This chart will allow us to identify peak hours or periods of high order activity.
- Percentage of Sales by Pizza Category: (Pie Chart) Create a pie chart that shows the distribution of sales across different pizza categories. This chart will provide insights into the popularity of various pizza categories and their contribution to overall sales.
- Percentage of Sales by Pizza Size: Generate a pie chart that represents the percentage of sales attributed to different pizza sizes. This chart will help us understand customer preferences for pizza sizes and their impact on sales.
- Total Pizzas Sold by Pizza Category: Create a funnel chart that presents the total number of pizzas sold for each pizza category. This chart will allow us to compare the sales performance of different pizza categories.
- Top 5 Best Sellers by Tolal Pizzas Sold: (Bar chart) Create a bar chart highlighting the top 5 best-selling pizzas based on the total number of pizzas sold. This chart will help us identify the most popular pizza options.
- Bottom 5 Worst Sellers by Total Pizzas Sold: Create a bar chart showcasing the bottom 5 worst-selling pizzas based on the total number of pizza sold. This chart will enable us to identify underperforming or less popular pizza options.
Total Revenue SELECT SUM(total_price) AS Total_Revenue FROM pizza_sales
Average Order Value SELECT SUM(total_price)/COUNT(DISTINCT order_id) AS Avg_Order_Value FROM pizza_sales
Total Pizza Sold SELECT SUM(quatity) AS Total_Pizza_Sold FROM pizza_sales
Total Orders SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT order_id) AS Total_Orders FROM pizza_sales
Average Pizza per Order SELECT CAST(CAST(SUM(quantity) AS DECIMAL(10,2)) / CAST(COUNT(DISTINCT order_id) AS DECIMAL (10,2)) AS DECIMAL(10,2)) AS Avg_PizzasPer_Order FROM pizza_sales
Daily Trend SELECT DATENAME(DW,order_date) AS order_day, COUNT (DISTINCT order_id) AS Total_orders FROM pizza_sales GROUP BY DATENAME(DW,order_date) ORDER BY DATENAME(DW,order_date)
Hourly Trend SELECT DATEPART(HOUR, order_time) AS order_hour, COUNT(DISTINCT order_id) AS Total_orders FROM pizza_sales GROUP BY DATEPART(HOUR, order_time) ORDER BY DATEPART(HOUR, order_time)
Percentage of Sales by Category --WHERE MONTH(order_date) = 12 --WHERE DATEPART(QUARTER,order_date) = 1 --Whenever using the above code you need to add the same code in Subquery SELECT pizza_category,CAST(SUM(total_price) AS DECIMAL (10,2)) AS Total_sales, CAST(SUM(total_price)*100 / (SELECT SUM(total_price) FROM pizza_sales) AS DECIMAL (10,2)) AS PCT FROM pizza_sales GROUP BY pizza_category
Percentage of sales by size SELECT pizza_size,CAST(SUM(total_price) AS DECIMAL (10,2)) AS Total_sales, CAST(SUM(total_price)*100 / (SELECT SUM(total_price) FROM pizza_sales) AS DECIMAL (10,2)) AS PCT FROM pizza_sales GROUP BY pizza_size ORDER BY PCT DESC
Total Pizza Sold SELECT pizza_category, SUM(quantity) AS Total_Pizza_sold FROM pizza_sales GROUP BY pizza_category
Top 5 Best Seller SELECT TOP 5 pizza_name,SUM(quantity) AS Total_Pizza_Sold FROM pizza_sales GROUP BY pizza_name ORDER BY SUM(quantity) DESC
Bottom 5 Worst Selling Pizza SELECT TOP 5 pizza_name,SUM(quantity) AS Total_Pizza_Sold FROM pizza_sales GROUP BY pizza_name ORDER BY SUM(quantity) ASC
Cleaning the data
- Changing the shortforms Ex: L – Large,S – Regular , M – Medium, Xlarge – X-Large and XX-Large Processing the data
- Creating the day column for day-to-day sales =TEXT([@[order_date]],"dddd") to get the day name
- Created a column for distinct order as total_order =1/COUNTIF(B:B,[@[order_id]]) so this formula will see how many time the order is repeating and will sum of 1 for each order id so we get distinct count Data Analysis
- Total Revenue Using Pivot table to summarize the sales and data