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Multiple ranking paths for one group

Staartvin edited this page Aug 8, 2015 · 14 revisions

As of Autorank v3.6, you can set up multiple ranking paths for one permission group. It's not very complicated, but it takes some learning to master.

Set up your config

Let's say we currently have this situation:

Start from here.

There are 3 groups: Guest, Member and Trusted. Everyone starts out as Guest. When a new player (in the Guest group) gets the specific item required, he/she will rank up to Member. The same counts for Member; the player needs a specific item and at least 5 hours played. He will then be ranked up to Trusted. Once you're a trusted player, you have two more requirements, but they don't grant you anything. When you've completed them both, Autorank will tell you 'You've hit the top tier!'

Now let's say you want to make a new group, and because all the players on your server are on a strict food diet, if someone dares to eat a cake, he will be moved to special 'bad' group. This group will be called 'Baddies'.

It would be set up like this:

New setup.

It might look a bit weird at first, but it works like we imagined just before. To make an extra path for a group, you'll need to add a new group, like you always do, but the name should be the original name + '-copy-' + something behind it to make it unique.

In this case I wanted to make a second path for the Member group, so I added the new group with the name 'Member', then '-copy-' and then a unique identifier, just a number. It can be any number.

This is how you set up an extra path for a rank in the config. It works the same way in the SimpleConfig:

SimpleConfig example

The only catch for the SimpleConfig, is that you can only use time requirements, as that's only what the SimpleConfig allows.

Check in-game

We've set everything up in the config, now let's take a look in-game:

In-game screenshot of /ar check

When we do /ar view list, you'll see a list of available paths:

In-game screenshot of /ar view list.

You can see that there are 2 options, just as we configured. You can either choose for the 'normal' Member requirements (play 5 hours, get specific item), OR you could choose the other path, called 'Member-copy-1'. You can do this with /ar choose 'path name'. If the player is not sure what the requirements for a specific path are, he can always look them up with /ar view 'path name'. If I do /ar view Member, I'll get this:

Preview of Member path.

If I would like to view the other path, I would need to do /ar view Member-copy-1. This doesn't look very pleasing, however. Luckily, you can change the name that will be displayed when you do /ar view list, in the config.

Changing the display name

To change the display name of the ranking path, you'll need to go back to the AdvancedConfig and edit it. Example here:

Edited AdvancedConfig to use display name of ranking path

Now, when we restart the server and go in-game, this will be shown:

In-game screenshot of edited display name

That's it! You can now use /ar view bad guy and /ar choose bad guy.

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