The purpose of this project is to create a layer between coding in the HSP and the compilation process for ProjectEverDriven. When compiling directly from the HSP-SDK, the created executable is unable to be launched.
So, I delved into the DLL hspcmp.dll of the HSP-SDK and thought it might be worth trying to compile the code directly with the DLL. Fortunately, an executable compiled like this works like a charm.
Furthermore, I included a translated version of the iconins.exe in this project. This tool can be used to change the icon of the created executable. Initially, I tried using other tools like ResourceHacker, but the executable wouldn't launch if one changes the icon in that manner.
To install just copy the executeable into hsp-sdk folder. After you cloned the projects repository you just need to create a build directory. Then you open a command prompt in the build directory and run:cmake ..
After this you can just open the project in visual studio and run ALL_BUILD. Now it's getting compiled.
Open the settings inside of the HSP Script Editor
Select ExtTool from the Tool section and click Add...
So in the Tool TextField can you select a name. File Path is just the path to the PED-CompileKit.exe and in Command Line one should add a config file and the source file with %F (That is the macro for the current file) If not changing the output directory it will be written to the folder where the source file is located.
-i="C:\Users\Star4Fun\Desktop\start.ico" -v="C:\Users\Star4Fun\Desktop\modversion" -s="C:\Users\Star4Fun\Desktop\ProjectEverDriven\start.hsp" -o=C:\Users\Star4Fun\Desktop -n=EchidnaWarsDX.exe -e -d