Convert websites into flat-file websites
npm i -g StatelessSoftware/html-baker
Create a config file html-baker -c
Edit the config file and make sure everything is proper.
Run html-baker
To remove the build and rebuild, run html-baker -f
- precmd - A command to run before the build starts
- domains - An array of domain urls to download
- input - If you have an app locally to download from, you can have it auto-start with these options
- directory - Location of the app
- runcmd - Command to run (start) the app. i.e. -
npm start
- output
- directory - Directory to bake into
- fixDotOnes - (boolean) If html-baker should convert wget's .1 files to .html files
- options - Array of wget options
- postcmd - A command to run after the build succeeds