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API Documentation

Casimir Eisenach edited this page Dec 19, 2024 · 7 revisions

API Documentation

General remarks

All Steamodded APIs are built on an Object Oriented Programming engine. As such, Steamodded objects share some common methods and parameters, described below.

Creating an object

Create an object by calling a class, for example SMODS.Joker, with a single table parameter. Each class may have required fields and may provide some default values.

Your table must have a key field, which must be a unique string. Don't worry about collisions with other mods—your mod's prefix will always be prepended to key. With a few exceptions, you don't have to worry about this.

-- Skeleton for creating an object
SMODS.Class {
	key = 'key',
	other_param = 0,
	loc_txt = {
		-- ...

Common parameters

  • name: Used by the game to identify certain objects, but Steamodded doesn't use it at all. You can ignore it.

  • loc_txt: Most objects display a text description, and some objects need to display additional text in the collection and other places. The loc_txt field defines these pieces of text. You can provide a single table for every language, or provide a subtable for each language. If the currently selected language isn't provided, the default subtable, the English ('en_us') subtable, or loc_txt itself will be used as defaults, in that order. Refer to your object's documentation for what fields need to go in loc_txt.

    The following are examples of valid loc_txt tables:

    • { name = 'Name', text = { 'This is example text' } }
     		['en-us'] = {
     			name = 'Name',
     			text = { 'Example', 'text', 'on', 'five', 'lines'},
     		['fr'] = {
     			-- French translation
     		['nl'] = {
     			-- Dutch translation
     		['default'] = {
     			-- a different default text
     			-- leave this empty to allow
     			-- custom languages to provide
     			-- their own translation
     	['en-us'] = {
     		-- Sometimes, more text is required than just a name and a description
     		label = 'Label',
     		description = {
     			name = 'Name',
     			text = { 'A moderately long', 'description of', 'your effect.' }
     	-- The simplest option: use a single table
     	label = 'Label',
     	description = {
     		name = 'Name',
     		text = { 'A moderately long', 'description of', 'your effect.' }
  • unlocked: Sets the default unlock state of an object. If set to false, your object won't be obtainable until it's unlocked; make sure to implement an unlock condition.

  • discovered: Sets the default discovery state of an object. If set to true, your object can be viewed in the collection without needing to find it in a run.

  • no_collection: If set to true, this object will not show up in the collection.

  • config: Put initial values for your object in config. Cards representing your object have an ability table, whose initial value is a copy of config, but can change during the game.

    • Only specific keys are copied from config; define an extra table inside config to make sure your initial values aren't lost.
     config = {
     	extra = {
     		custom_value = 10,
     		another_value = 'something',
  • prefix_config: Defining this table gives you control over where prefixes should be added to keys you specify. The default behavior is to add a class prefix (if it exists) and your mod prefix.

    • Supported keys:
      • key
      • atlas: Includes all atlas-related fields like hc_atlas and lc_atlas on suits and ranks
      • shader
      • card_key
      • above_stake
      • applied_stakes: Also supports options per index
    • Each key can be set to a table or the value false. Effects:
      • mod: Setting this to false removes your mod prefix.
      • class: Setting this to false removes the class prefix.
      • If false is used as the value instead of a table, no prefixes are applied.
    • Set prefix_config = false to apply no prefixes to any key.
    • Example:
     	prefix_config = {
     		key = { mod = false },
     		atlas = false, 
     		applied_stakes = {
     			[1] = { mod = false },
     			[3] = false,
  • dependencies (optional): A list of one or more mod IDs. Your object will only be loaded when all specified mods are present. This is useful for cross-mod compatibility, but not for dependencies that are required for your mod to function properly. In that case, add a dependency to your mod header.

Taking ownership

You may need to modify vanilla objects or objects from another mod. Use the take_ownership function to modify an existing object; then, you can use all of Steamodded's API functions on it. Each key-value pair of the provided table overwrites the object's value, while the rest of the object is left intact.

SMODS.Joker:take_ownership('joker', {
	cost = 5,
	calculate = function(card, context)
		-- more on this later

API functions

Each class's API functions are explained on that class's Wiki page. The following lists parameter names common to these API functions.

Identifier Meaning
self The table this method is defined on. This is generally a prototype object that can't keep track of state.
card An instance of the game's Card class. Keeps track of state in an ability field.
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