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Calculate Functions

Eremel_ edited this page Feb 10, 2025 · 6 revisions

Calculating Objects

Objects can have a calculate function defined on them to allow them to react to different events happening in the game. The main time for this to happen is during scoring, but there are other contexts that the game calculates effects. There is a full list of contexts available at the end of this guide.

Creating a Calculate Function

To create a calculate function on your object, add this code to your object definition.

calculate = function(self, card, context)
	-- calculation code goes in here

In this function, self refers to the center object that is used to create cards of this type, card refers to the actual card you are calculating on, and context refers to the table of values sent to the calculate. You will need to use card and context to calculate any effects within your object. There are three steps to writing the calculation code within your function.

  1. Checking for the correct context
  2. Any logic/effects you want to do
  3. Returning any effects that need to be handled

Step 1: Context Checks

All code within your calculate function should be inside a context check. This statement will ensure that your effect will open happen in the timing that you want it to happen. There is a full list of contexts at the end of this guide, but here are some common ones you might want to use.

  • if context.joker_main then The main scoring timing of jokers
  • if context.cardarea == and context.main_scoring The main scoring of played cards (used for modifiers to cards)
  • if context.before then For effects that happen in the scoring loop but before anything is scored
  • if context.final_scoring_step thenFor effects that modify the score after all cards have been scored
  • if context.cardarea == and context.repetition then For adding repetitions to played cards

Step 2: Logic/Effects

In this step, you need to add your actual logic for calculation. Values that are defined in your object's config can be access by using card.ability., for example, here is some code that increases the chips an object will give out by 10 every time the effect is evaluated.

card.ability.extra.chips = card.ability.extra.chips + card.ability.extra.chip_gain

Step 3: Returning Effects

Any effects that you want to be evaluated will need to be returned in a table. To score the chips from Step 2, you should use this return table.

return {
	chips = card.ability.extra.chips

There are a range of different keys that you can return in this table.

  • chips,mult,xmult, dollars - scores these values (automatically adds a message to the card that is being scored)
  • swap - swaps current chips and mult values with each other
  • level_up - levels up the played hand by the number returned
  • saved - used during context.end_of_round to prevent game over
  • message - used to return a custom message
    • will automatically be put on the scored card unless message_card is also returned
    • colour of message background will be G.C.FILTER unless colour is returned
    • sound will be generic1 unless sound is returned
  • func - return a function to be called at the correct timing (advanced)
  • extra - an extra table set out the same as this one (advanced)

If you do not want the default messages to be shown when adding chips etc. there are 2 ways around this

  1. Use remove_default_message = true in your return table to ignore the message completely
  2. Use chip_message = 'text' to change the text (this maintains default timings)

Putting all this together, we get the following function that will increment chips each time the object is scored, and then score the new amount of chips.

calculate = function(self, card, context)
	if context.joker_main then
		card.ability.extra.chips = card.ability.extra.chips + card.ability.extra.chip_gain
		return {
			chips = card.ability.extra.chips

Here is another example for a Joker that increases the amount of mult it gives when you play a Flush.

calculate = function(self, card, context)
	-- Check if we have played a Flush before we do any scoring and increment the chips
	if context.before and next(context.poker_hands['Flush']) then
		card.ability.extra.mult = card.ability.extra.mult + card.ability.extra.mult_gain
		return {
			message = 'Upgraded!',
			colour = G.C.RED
	-- Add the chips in main scoring context
	if context.joker_main then
		return {
			mult = card.ability.extra.mult


If you want to evaluate effects outside of the return table, use SMODS.calculate_effect({effects}, card), where {effects} is a table like the return table of a calculate function, and card is the card that is being evaluated.


Detailed here is a list of all contexts that are sent to calculate functions, as well as a unique identifier to use to reference them. As each context is sent to different areas, use the following logic statement to make sure you are calculating in the intended area.

if context.cardarea == then -- replace with G.jokers/G.hand as appropriate

Main Scoring Loop

This context is used for effects that happen before scoring begins.

if context.before and context.cardarea == then
	cardarea = G.jokers, --, G.hand, (G.deck and G.discard optionally enabled)
	full_hand =,
	scoring_hand = scoring_hand,
	scoring_name = text,
	poker_hands = poker_hands,
	before = true

This context is used for the effects from playing cards when they are scored. This is used for enhancements, editions and seals (or any other card modifiers)

if context.main_scoring and context.cardarea == then
	cardarea =, -- G.hand, (G.deck and G.discard optionally enabled)
	full_hand =,
	scoring_hand = scoring_hand,
	scoring_name = text,
	poker_hands = poker_hands,
	main_scoring = true

This context is used for triggering joker effects on playing cards.

if context.individual and context.cardarea == then
	cardarea =, -- G.hand, (G.deck and G.discard optionally enabled)
	full_hand =,
	scoring_hand = scoring_hand,
	scoring_name = text,
	poker_hands = poker_hands,
	individual = true,
	other_card = card

This context is used for adding repetitions to playing cards.

if context.repetition and context.cardarea == then
	cardarea =, -- G.hand, G.deck and G.discard optionally enabled
	full_hand =,
	scoring_hand = scoring_hand,
	scoring_name = text,
	poker_hands = poker_hands,
	repetition = true,
	card_effects = effects -- this is the table of effects that has been calculated

This context is used for triggering editions on jokers before they score. (used for chips/mult)

if context.pre_joker then
	cardarea = G.jokers,
	full_hand =,
	scoring_hand = scoring_hand,
	scoring_name = text,
	poker_hands = poker_hands,
	edition = true,
	pre_joker = true

This context is used for triggering normal scoring effects on jokers.

if context.joker_main then
	cardarea = G.jokers,
	full_hand =,
	scoring_hand = scoring_hand,
	scoring_name = text,
	poker_hands = poker_hands,
	joker_main = true,

This context is used for triggering joker effects from other jokers.

if context.other_joker then
	full_hand =,
	scoring_hand = scoring_hand,
	scoring_name = text,
	poker_hands = poker_hands,
	other_joker = card, --changes to other_consumeable as it iterates over consumeables

This context is used for triggering editions on jokers after they score. (used for xmult)

if context.post_joker then
	cardarea = G.jokers,
	full_hand =,
	scoring_hand = scoring_hand,
	scoring_name = text,
	poker_hands = poker_hands,
	edition = true,
	post_joker = true

This context is used for any effects after cards have been calculated but before the score is totalled.

if context.final_scoring_step and context.cardarea == then
	cardarea = G.jokers, --, G.hand, (G.deck and G.discard optionally enabled)
	full_hand =,
	scoring_hand = scoring_hand,
	scoring_name = text,
	poker_hands = poker_hands,
	final_scoring_step = true,

This context is used for marking cards to be destroyed.

if context.destroy_card and context.cardarea == then
	cardarea =, -- G.hand, (G.deck and G.discard optionally enabled)
	full_hand =,
	scoring_hand = scoring_hand,
	scoring_name = text,
	poker_hands = poker_hands,
	destroy_card = card,
	destroying_card = card -- only when calculating in


Your return table to destroy a card without a message should look like return { remove = true }

This context is used for effects on removing cards.

if context.remove_playing_cards then
	cardarea = G.jokers, --, G.hand, (G.deck and G.discard optionally enabled)
	scoring_hand = scoring_hand,
	remove_playing_cards = true,
	removed = cards_destroyed


This is also called after discarding a hand without the scoring_hand part of the context.

This context is used for effects after scoring.

if context.after and context.cardarea == then
	cardarea = G.jokers, --, G.hand, (G.deck and G.discard optionally enabled)
	full_hand =,
	scoring_hand = scoring_hand,
	scoring_name = text,
	poker_hands = poker_hands,
	after = true,

Other Contexts

This context is used for trigger effects on playing a hand debuffed by the blind.

if context.debuffed_hand and context.cardarea == then
	cardarea = G.jokers, --, G.hand, (G.deck and G.discard optionally enabled)
	full_hand =,
	scoring_hand = scoring_hand,
	scoring_name = text,
	poker_hands = poker_hands,
	debuffed_hand = true,

This context is used for end of round effects.

if context.end_of_round and context.cardarea == G.jokers then
	cardarea = G.jokers, -- G.hand, (G.deck and G.discard optionally enabled)
	end_of_round = true,
	game_over = game_over -- true or false

This context is used for effects on cards from jokers at the end of the round.

if context.end_of_round and context.individual then
	cardarea = G.hand, -- (G.deck and G.discard optionally enabled)
	end_of_round = true,
	individual = true,
	other_card = card

This context is used for repetitions on cards at the end of the round.

if context.end_of_round and context.repetition then
	cardarea = G.hand, -- (G.deck and G.discard optionally enabled)
	end_of_round = true,
	repetition = true,
	other_card = card,
	card_effects = effects -- table of effects for the card

This context is used for effects when the blind is started.

if context.setting_blind then
	cardarea = G.jokers, -- G.hand, (G.deck and G.discard optionally enabled)
	setting_blind = true,
	blind = G.GAME.round_resets.blind

This context is used for effects before discarding.

if context.pre_discard and context.cardarea == then
	cardarea = G.jokers, -- G.hand, (G.deck and G.discard optionally enabled)
	full_hand = G.hand.highlighted,
	pre_discard = true,
	hook = hook -- true when 'The Hook' discards cards

This context is used for effects on discarded cards.

if context.discard then
	cardarea = G.jokers, -- G.hand, (G.deck and G.discard optionally enabled)
	full_hand = G.hand.highlighted,
	discard = true
	other_card = G.hand.highlighted[i]


Return { remove = true } to destroy cards in this context.

This context is used for effects after opening a booster.

if context.open_booster then
	cardarea = G.jokers, -- G.hand, (G.deck and G.discard optionally enabled)
	open_booster = true,
	card = self -- the booster pack being opened

This context is used for effects after skipping a booster.

if context.skipping_booster then
	cardarea = G.jokers, -- G.hand, (G.deck and G.discard optionally enabled)
	skipping_booster = true,

This context is used for effects after buying a card.

if context.buying_card then
	cardarea = G.jokers, -- G.hand, (G.deck and G.discard optionally enabled)
	buying_card = true,
	card = self -- the card being bought

The card being bought also calculates itself with context { buying_card = true, card = c1 }.

This context is used for effects after selling a card.

if context.selling_card then
	cardarea = G.jokers, -- G.hand, (G.deck and G.discard optionally enabled)
	selling_card = true,
	card = card -- the card being sold

The card being sold also calculates itself with context { selling_self = true }.

This context is used for effects after rerolling the shop.

if context.reroll_shop then
	cardarea = G.jokers, -- G.hand, (G.deck and G.discard optionally enabled)
	reroll_shop = true,

This context is used for effects after leaving the shop.

if context.ending_shop then
	cardarea = G.jokers, -- G.hand, (G.deck and G.discard optionally enabled)
	ending_shop = true,

This context is used for effects after drawing the first hand of a blind.

if context.first_hand_drawn then
	cardarea = G.jokers, -- G.hand, (G.deck and G.discard optionally enabled)
	first_hand_drawn = true,

This context is used for effects after drawing a hand.

if context.hand_drawn then
	cardarea = G.jokers, -- G.hand, (G.deck and G.discard optionally enabled)
	hand_drawn = true,

This context is used for effects after using a consumable

if context.using_consumeable then
	cardarea = G.jokers, -- G.hand, (G.deck and G.discard optionally enabled)
	using_consumeable = true,
	consumeable = card, -- the consumable being used
	area = G.consumeables, -- the area the card was used from (could be G.shop_jokers, G.pack_cards)

This context is used for effects after skipping a blind.

if context.skip_blind then
	cardarea = G.jokers, -- G.hand, (G.deck and G.discard optionally enabled)
	skip_blind = true,

This context is used for effects after adding a card to your deck.

if context.playing_card_added then
	cardarea = G.jokers, -- G.hand, (G.deck and G.discard optionally enabled)
	playing_card_added = true,
	cards = cards -- the cards being added (sometimes is true when used from vanilla items)

This context is used for applying quantum enhancements.

if context.check_enhancement then
	cardarea = G.jokers, -- G.hand, (G.deck and G.discard optionally enabled)
	check_enhancement = true,
	other_card = card,
	no_blueprint = true

This context is used for effects after a Joker has triggered.

if context.post_trigger then
	cardarea = G.jokers, -- G.hand, (G.deck and G.discard optionally enabled)
	post_trigger = true,
	blueprint_card = context.blueprint_card, -- if applicable
	other_card = card, -- the card that triggered
	other_context = context, -- the context the trigger happened on
	other_ret = ret -- the return table from the trigger


All calculation of jokers that evaluates no secondary card is called with main_eval = true in the context table. All joker triggers are called with again when the joker is retriggered with retrigger_joker = retrigger_card added to the context table.

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