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Casimir Eisenach edited this page Dec 15, 2024 · 3 revisions

API Documentation: SMODS.Atlas

This class allows you to use custom spritesheets ("Atlases") or replace existing ones. Your mod must be located in its own subdirectory of the Mods folder. Due to Balatro's pixel smoothing setting, it is required to provide both a single and double resolution image file. The file structure should look something like this:

	├── NegateTexturePack.lua
	└── assets
		├── 1x
		│   ├── BlindChips-negate.png
		│   ├── Jokers-negate.png
		│   └── boosters-negate.png
		└── 2x
			├── BlindChips-negate.png
			├── Jokers-negate.png
			└── boosters-negate.png
  • Required parameters:
    • key
    • px - the width of each individual sprite at single resolution, in pixels.
    • py - the height of each individual sprite at single resolution, in pixels.
    • path - the image file's name, including the extension (e.g. 'Jokers-negate.png').
      • If you want to use different sprites depending on the selected language, you can also provide a table:
       path = {
       	['default'] = 'Jokers.png', -- use this for any languages not specified
       	['zh_CN'] = 'Jokers-zh-CN.png',
       	['ja'] = 'Jokers-ja.png',
  • Optional parameters (defaults):
    • atlas_table = 'ASSET_ATLAS'
      • Use ASSET_ATLAS for non-animated sprites
      • Use ANIMATION_ATLAS for animated sprites
      • Use ASSET_IMAGES for other images
    • frames - for animated sprites, you must provide the number of frames of the animation. Each row should contain one animation, with each column showing one frame.
    • raw_key - Set this to true to prevent the loader from adding your mod prefix to the key. Useful for replacing sprites from the base game or other mods.
    • language - Restrict your atlas to a specific locale. Useful for introducing localized sprites while leaving other languages intact.
    • disable_mipmap - Disable mipmap being applied to this texture. Might remove artifacts on smaller textures.
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