For something that can be used in production, have a look at erlexec.
Run any system command in a pseudo terminal inside a GenServer process.
Be warned: my C code seems to work, but is very ugly
The package can be installed by adding ex_pty
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:ex_pty, github: "SteffenDE/ex_pty"}
iex()> {:ok, pty} = ExPTY.start_link(handler: self())
iex()> flush()
{#PID<0.257.0>, {:data, "bash-3.2$ "}}
iex()> ExPTY.send_data(pty, "echo cool\n")
iex()> flush()
{#PID<0.257.0>, {:data, "echo cool\r\ncool\r\nbash-3.2$ "}}
iex()> ExPTY.send_data(pty, "exit\n")
iex()> flush()
{:EXIT, #PID<0.257.0>, :normal}