Repository to consolidate many Sega Genesis Development Kit ideas
26/10/2020 SRAM Stores data in file: rom.srm C:\SEGA\Fusion
23/10/2020 Random() can't use #include <stdlib.h> but instead use random() from SGDK_Ideas
Reference: Actually you have this in SGDK (declared in maths.h) :
13/10/2020 NTSC PAL WIDE HIGH USA 1 0 320 224 JAP 1 0 320 224 EUR 0 1 320 224
08/10/2020 sizeof() ~\GitHub\StevePro7\SGDK_Ideas\SGDK_DemosX\25_Input\dev ~\Steven\INSTALLATIONSEGA\sdcc3\Test2015_sizeof\dev UNSIGNED SMS MD char 1 1 short 2 2 int 2 4 long 4 4
SIGNED SMS MD char 1 1 short 2 2 int 2 4 long 4 4 float 4 4 double 4 8
08/10/2020 ~\Steven\INSTALLATIONSEGA\MD\Tunes ~\SVN\CandyKid\CandyKid.PROD.Android\trunk\CandyKid.PROD.Android\Content\Sound
09/10/2020 New music ~\Steven\Personal\YouTube\Michelangelo