This is my personal website/blog/portfolio here I show the world what I am up to at the moment.
You can visit it at
This website is build with Gatsby, a static site generator for react. I manage the content completed from this repository, including the deployments. This site is being hosted from the main branch to GitHub pages and the content is on the portfolio branch.
The pages are represented as React components and the content is managed through markdown files.
in the lib folder there are Typescript files, wich can be compiled using the commands below. The compiled Javascript code can be found in lib/dist and that code can be used in the whole application.
yarn tsc
or yarn tsc-w
to compile in watch mode.
yarn build
Make production build
yarn develop
or yarn start
Start a dev server with hot reloading
yarn serve
To preview the production build
yarn deploy
Make a production build and publish the public folder to GitHub pages
yarn deploy-now
Deploy without building