This SaaS app takes your shopping list and compares data from various local supermarkets to determine where the cheapest place is to shop
demo mvp now up!
TO DO (updated 11/09):
web page
make page look a bit nicer (css)
input validator- check if user input is present in predefined price list
-started- right now just checks input against hard coded list in js file
-need to access list from db when site loads
-need to give error message to user
drop down list that auto-completes based on user input
-also needs to be updated with list from db
web scraping most basic func made using bs4 and selenium -works for getting price of brown bread from woolworths -need to make specific to each item and site -need to auto send results to
db in postgres on
-need to link to site
- link to webscraper
THANKS TO THESE: Leon Noel @ 100 Devs
main function- give the user a means to compare prices of different supermarkets in area.
user can input a shopping list (stored locally? what’s the best way?), and the app tells them where the cheapest place to do their shopping will be. option: split into 2 shops: ie. it’ll be cheapest if you buy these things here and those things there
tech used
- django for primary framework
- PostgreSQL (on for db
- Flask for API
frontend - the page itself
page design- html & css
place to input/view shopping list
place to view results
page hosting (good free one? can’t remember which one we looked at in class?)
mongo db for all current prices
perhaps create list of common household items
eg. 2 litre full cream milk - and then have price at shop 1, price at shop 2, price at shop 3 etc as entries under that item? will have to experiment to find best way to store data
updated every week? or how often?
way to access user’s shopping list- maybe stored locally in format that makes it easy to compare to prices
simple algo- add up total for shopping list from each shop, give user back the lowest - simple form in
slightly more complicated algo- once lowest price shop is found(for this example, store 1), check if certain number (perhaps if over a certain percentage of total number of items) of items from other stores are cheaper than the same item from original lowest store (in this example: say the shopping list was 10 items, and we’ve chosen 40%. if at least 4 items in the list are cheaper at store 2, we’ll create a new group with those items from store 2). then create a new group with those items (incl total), and remove the items from the original list from store 1. we’ll then present the user with 2 lists, 6 items from store 1, and 4 items from store 2, letting the user know how much they could save by visiting 2 stores
ofc this could be expanded to 3 or more stores, it just doesn’t seem likely a person would want to go to more than 2 different grocery stores
i think it will be quite tricky to make it a worldwide thing- at least, will have to be changed to be specific to each country we’ll need to access up to date price data for all supermarkets being compared
current progress-
simple version of page - takes users inputs for shopping list, stores them in local storage, displays them on the screen after they’ve been added