This repo contains a Terraform template for generating and managing clusters of AWS instances with the community edition of the Storidge CIO software.
The terraform code will look for an AWS image to launch the cloud instances. This image can be easily created by following the steps in the packer-cio repo.
Default node deployment:
- 1 Swarm Master Node
- t3.large instance type
- 3 100GB storage drives
- 3 Swarm Worker Nodes
- t3.large instance types
- 3 100GB storage drives on each worker
- Default cluster region:
During cluster initialization, Storidge will reconfigured the Swarm cluster to have 3 manager nodes for redundancy.
Download template into desired project repository:
git clone
Initialize Terraform for project directory:
terraform init
Add credentials
Add your AWS credentials (access id and secret key) to file terraform.tfvars
cd terraform-aws-swarm-cio
cp terraform.tfvars.template terraform.tfvars
Configure instance
uses desired region.
uses desired instance type and AMI.
Terraform will use your local SSH key for the deployment. Start ssh-agent
and add the deployment key:
eval $(ssh-agent -s)
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa
ssh-add -l
Before deploying, check what Terraform will build:
terraform plan
If there are no errors, run the following command to build infrastructure:
terraform apply
Login to cluster at the IP addresses listed. For example below, ssh
to login master node:
null_resource.ansible_deploy (local-exec): PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************
null_resource.ansible_deploy (local-exec): swarm-master-00 : ok=10 changed=8 unreachable=0 failed=0
null_resource.ansible_deploy (local-exec): swarm-worker-00 : ok=6 changed=4 unreachable=0 failed=0
null_resource.ansible_deploy (local-exec): swarm-worker-01 : ok=5 changed=4 unreachable=0 failed=0
null_resource.ansible_deploy (local-exec): swarm-worker-02 : ok=5 changed=4 unreachable=0 failed=0
null_resource.ansible_deploy: Creation complete after 2m41s (ID: 5166922584995052323)
Apply complete! Resources: 41 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.
swarm_master_address =
swarm_worker_address =,,
Check current infrastructure state:
terraform show terraform.tfstate
If the infrastructure has been changed outside terraform, update the state information:
terraform refresh
To terminate the cluster run:
terraform destroy