This is the supplementary theme meant for the CMS-PKB-Blogger project. This template is meant for a blog oriented towards a Personal Knowledge Management (PKB). The theme is inspired in some subjects of Edward Tufte's work, the PKB, and Gwerns' blog design.
Make sure to have HUGO and Git.
From your project's root directory, initiate the hugo module system and add the theme's repo to your config.toml
hugo mod init<your_user>/<your_project>
echo 'theme = [""]' >> config.toml
hugo new site <YOURWEBSITENAME>
cd <YOURWEBSITENAME> # go inside the folder of your PKB
git init
git submodule add themes/PKB-theme
echo "theme = 'PKB-theme'" >> hugo.toml
View your site at the URL displayed in your terminal.
Inside your folder you can always use the command hugo server
and check it with localhost:1313 in the address bar of your browser. The hugo server command starts a local development server that watches for changes in your files and automatically regenerates the site and refreshes the browser. This is useful for live previewing changes as you develop your site. Press Ctrl + C to stop Hugo’s development server.
Described at documentation, these are the initial steps to understand how you can customize your blog to your liking.
By default, running the command hugo
will generate the static files for your website from your content and templates. The generated files will be placed in the public
directory (or another specified output directory).