Reader's Cabin is a book review website in which users will be able to search for books, leave reviews for individual books and see ratings of books from a broader audience. but first user must register and login in order to access the library. For developers, reader's cabin has a feature to let users query for book details and book reviews programmatically via my website's API.
Clone this repositiory or Download Source files
Run the command in your terminal/CMD window to make sure that all of the necessary Python packages (Flask and SQLAlchemy, for instance) are installed.
pip install -r requirements.txt
Set an environmental variable to connect with database. Varialbe name must be: "DATABASE_URL" Varialbe value will be: "...your database uri ...", example: postgres://username:password@hostname/database
export DATABASE_URL=""
Run python to create user,books and reveiws table in database and to insert 5000 books data from books.csv
Run python to run the app.
This file contains the backend of the website.
This file is used to connect to for the contact information.
This file contains the code to insert the books from the CSV file to the database.
This file contains all the packages necessary to run this project.
This folder contains all the HTML files.
This folder contains the css and img folders.
- Sass
- Bootstrap
- Git
- Flask
- SQLAlchemy
- Postgresql
Goodreads api is used in this website to access the review data for individual books.
Contributions are always welcome! Please create a PR to contribute.
This project is licensed under MIT license.
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