- Docker
- Docker Compose
- Fabric 2.2.1
- Node js (LTS)
- Internet Connection (cloud database)
- Org1(Buyers)
- Org2(Sellers)
- Org3(Buyers Bank)
- Org4(Sellers Bank)
Fabric 2.2.1 test network only makes 2/3 orgs .
So we edited the test network scripts for creating 5 orgs.
For this project we will use only 4 orgs .
you need to install pm2 module globally in node js , and build-essential on linux
sudo apt install build-essential
npm install pm2 -g
now , clone our github repo in the same directory where your fabric-samples folder is located .
git clone https://github.com/Sumon2017/hyperledger-fabric-lc-project.git
Note : hyperledger-fabric-lc-project and fabric-samples should be on same directory (see the pic)
open up a terminal in hyperledger-fabric-lc-project/onoff
now , from onoff directory give excecute permission to our scripts
chmod 777 ./on.sh
chmod 777 ./off.sh
now from onoff directory to satrt the program run :
cautious : you have to be in onoff directory
this will take between 10-15 minutes depending on your hardware and internet speed
this will create the fabric network (creating channel, installing chaincode) and 5 node js servers (you can see them by [docker ps -a] and [pm2 list] )
At the end of it , success will be printed
To stop it , run :
cautious : you have to be in onoff directory
At the end of it , success will be printed
These are BuyersOrgApp , SellersOrgApp , BuyersBank and SellersBank accordingly.
You will find some crypto materials in this project but these will get overriten with new valid crypto materials .
- Step 1 : sign up in sellersorgapp and buyersorgapp . You will get your verification code in your email .
if you dont find it , check spam folder . Then verify with it . (if you dont want to do this we will give two premade accounts for login) - Step 2 : login for sellersorgapp and buyersorgapp
- Step 3 : from sellersorgapp create an lc and get your pub_key and sign (with hex string secret)
- Step 4 : create lc from sellersorgapp
- Step 5 : from buyersorgapp check notifications for the lc id and approve with your sign .
- Step 6 : from buyersbank check notifications and issue the lc
- Step 7 : from sellersbank check notifications and send shipment details . (this should be a string)
- Step 8 : from buyersbank check notifications and send transaction money payment details . (this should also be a string) this is the last step and all is done .
Tips : use dummy strings in shipment details and transaction details for testing perpose . You can also corrupt sign by changing data(after getting pub_key and sign in step 3) and see if buyer / buyers bank takes it .
SellersOrgApp | BuyersOrgApp |
username : sumon | username : tuhin |
[email protected] | [email protected] |
pass : 1234 | pass : 1234 |
Note: All account related information (not secret hex string ) like notification list , account , email , password (hashed with bcrypt library) is stored on mongodb Cloud Database , your login session is managed by jsonwebtoken and browser cookies (1h expire time)
- only seller will initiate the lc
- buyer will aprrove LC pointed towards it , if everithing is ok with the lc and sellers sign
- buyers bank will issue lc after checking both buyer and seller sign
- all sign verification is done inside the chaincode (not server)
- buyers can verify and sign only if the lc_status is initial
- buyers bank can verify and issue lc only if the lc_status is aproved
- sellers bank can send shipment details only if the lc _status is issued
- buyers bank can send transaction details only if the lc_status is shipped
- everything should be under lc_expire time
we made all of the 4 node js servers . there isn't any function in them which should not be their . Example : seller should not be able to invoke buyers bank verify function . Even if we implement this kind of function in server it will get rejected on the chaincode . Because we are checking the fabric MSP ID in all functions . if there is a contradiction the functions will immediately return without heading further .
As you can see above , the 4 orgs created channel and installed chaincode . First two node js servers can have many users .
Though Buyers & Sellers Org are like a centralized entity , they can never get the users hex secret string which is used for creating private-public key pair . Users hex secret string never goes through the 4 org node js servers . All users will use an utility server for sending all payload (lc details) and secret hex string and getting pub key string and sign . This utility service can also be implemented in complex frontend app or users own managed server .
In real world situations users just have to prove that they are the real owner of the public keys mentioned in the ledger and that's very easy .
All servers (except the utility) are connected to their own mongodb cloud databases . So , when testing there should be internet connection . We gave all server secrets , email service secrets and mongodb uri in .env files , So it will work fine .
api documentations is given in docs folder . So you can also check these without UI .
When buyersbank or sellersbank does something , it notifies all other 3 servers and the servers save them in cloud database .
when seller makes an LC , it notiifies Buyers Organization (all saved in cloud).
when buyer approves an LC , it notiifies Buyers Bank (all saved in cloud).
SellersOrgApp | BuyersOrgApp |
username : testseller | username : testbuyer |
[email protected] | [email protected] |
pass : 1234 | pass : 1234 |
For all the signing and sign verification we use node js elliptic library
We are using elliptic's EDDSA algorithm .
And for curve selection we used ed25519 which is considered to be a very secure curve .
On lc we are giving unique lc id based on product details string hash's first 8 characters . And this hash is done by crypto library's md5 hashing .
For password hashing and verifying we used bcrypt library