DBLP: http://dblp.uni-trier.de/xml/
Aggregated Result:
Report: TBA
- copy every file of "data-processing-script" folder into the same folder with edges.csv and nodes.csv
make sure your "$wc -l edges.csv " reveals ~15000000 lines
edit config.py and input the wanted years and executing cores
- $python3 1.run.py
every network generated inside evolving folder
- spark-submit: xxxxx.jar
get network-analysis results
- $python3 3.run-hist.py 200
get distribution of both degrees and pageranks
- spark-shell with "dblp-neighborhood.scala"
get some($who)'s k-hop neighborhood: "neighborhoodEdgesXXX.csv" and "neighborhoodNoedsXXX.csv", which can be used by Gephi
- $./4.4.run-collect_hist.sh
get figure along years
collect_dblpRanks.txt_avg.csv.png collect_dblpDegrees.txt_avg.csv.png collect_dblpAsscociativeCoefficien.txt.csv.png collect_dblpAvgClusterCoeffient.txt.csv.png
and top ranks
$ python3 -f edges.csv -y 2000 =====> evolving/2000/edges.csv
$ java -jar merge.jar evolving/2000/edges.csv nodes.csv evolving/2000/mergedEdges.csv evolving/2000/mergedNodes.csv =====> evolving/2000/mergedEdges.csv, evolving/2000/mergedNodes.csv
$ python3 csv2edges_undirected.py evolving/2000/mergedEdges.csv evolving/2000/mergedEdges.txt =======> evolving/2000/mergedEdges.txt
$ python3 csv2nodes.py evolving/2000/mergedNodes.csv evolving/2000/mergedNodes.txt =========> evolving/2000/mergedNodes.txt
spark-shell: dblp-script.scala
$ ./bin/spark-submit simple-project_2.11-1.0.jar &
get dblpRank.txt
draw histgram of degree distribution
$python3 degreeHist.py evolving/2000/dblpDegrees.txt #bins evolving/2000/dblpDegrees.png
Working functions:
%1. diameter and nodes of each connect component
%2. average shortest path, excluding infinities
pageRank of each node
degree distribution
clustering coefficient
assortative coefficient
streamlined and cached
put "dblp.xml", "dblp.dtd", "parse.jar" same folder, and then run:
$java -jar parse.jar dblp.xml