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C++ DSA Practice Repository

Welcome to my C++ Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA) repository! This is where I track my progress, upload solutions to coding problems, and document the concepts I am learning while preparing for competitive programming and technical interviews.

This repository is a collection of C++ programs and solutions, showcasing various concepts, data structures, and algorithms. It is designed for learning, practicing, and exploring C++ programming.


The repository includes a wide range of topics in C++, such as:

  • Data Structures (e.g., LinkedList, Stack, Queue)
  • Algorithms (e.g., Sorting, Graphs, Recursion)
  • Core C++ Concepts (e.g., Pointers, OOP)
  • LeetCode and Competitive Programming Questions
  • Advanced Topics (e.g., Trie, Heap)

Each program is organized into folders based on its topic for easy navigation.

Folder Structure

Cpp_Programming/ ├── 2d_array/ # Operations on 2D arrays

├── ArrayCpp/ # Array-based programs

├── BST/ # Binary Search Tree operations

├── BinaryTree/ # General Binary Tree programs

├── FunctionCpp/ # Function-based programs

├── Graph/ # Graph algorithms (DFS, Cycle detection)

├── Hashmaps/ # Hashmap operations

├── Heap/ # Heap operations (Sorting using STL)

├── LeetCode_Question/ # Solutions to LeetCode problems

├── LinkedList/ # Linked list implementations

├── OOPs/ # Object-Oriented Programming examples

├── Queue/ # Queue-related programs

├── Recursion/ # Recursive algorithms

├── Stack/ # Stack operations

├── Trie/ # Trie-based programs

├── basic/ # Basics of C++ programming

├── pointers/ # Pointer-based programs

├── strings/ # String operations

└── video28/ # Miscellaneous examples

🚀 Getting Started To run any of the programs:

Clone the repository:

bash Copy code git clone Navigate to the problem or algorithm folder. Compile and run the code: bash Copy code g++ problemname.cpp -o problemname ./problemname

📚 Topics Covered Here’s a list of topics I am covering in this repository:

Arrays Linked Lists Stacks & Queues Trees & Binary Trees Graphs Sorting Algorithms Recursion Dynamic Programming Greedy Algorithms Backtracking Each folder will contain problems from platforms like LeetCode, Codeforces, GeeksforGeeks, and HackerRank, along with explanations.

📝 Daily Progress I am participating in the #100DaysOfCode challenge, where I push my daily solutions and document my learning. You can follow my daily progress [here](link to your Twitter/LinkedIn).

🔥 Current Focus I am currently focusing on:

Solving LeetCode problems on Linked Lists. Mastering Dynamic Programming problems. Learning advanced Graph Algorithms.

💡 Learnings Along with solutions, I also document the key concepts I learn each day. This includes:

Explanation of algorithms. Time and space complexity analysis. Optimization techniques. Feel free to check out the file for detailed explanations on concepts.

🌟 Contributions If you find any issues or improvements, feel free to fork this repo and submit a pull request. Any feedback is appreciated!

📫 Connect with Me LinkedIn: Twitter:


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