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ENH: Support "ResultImageName" in parameter files
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Allows the user to specify the name of the result file, that would otherwise just be named something like "result.mhd".

This improvement applies mainly to the elastix and transformix *executables*. Moreover, for the elastix library, it also applies to the result image files generated with "WriteResultImageAfterEachResolution" and "WriteResultImageAfterEachIteration".

Addressing issue #672 "Feature request: specify output name for file in transformix/elastix" by Sebastian van der Voort.
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N-Dekker committed Dec 22, 2022
1 parent 601f131 commit 3053a73
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Showing 5 changed files with 147 additions and 4 deletions.
12 changes: 9 additions & 3 deletions Core/ComponentBaseClasses/elxResamplerBase.hxx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -91,10 +91,12 @@ ResamplerBase<TElastix>::AfterEachResolutionBase()
if (writeResultImageThisResolution)
/** Create a name for the final result. */
const auto resultImageName =
this->m_Configuration->RetrieveParameterValue<std::string>("result", "ResultImageName", 0, false);
std::string resultImageFormat = "mhd";
this->m_Configuration->ReadParameter(resultImageFormat, "ResultImageFormat", 0, false);
std::ostringstream makeFileName;
makeFileName << this->m_Configuration->GetCommandLineArgument("-out") << "result."
makeFileName << this->m_Configuration->GetCommandLineArgument("-out") << resultImageName << '.'
<< this->m_Configuration->GetElastixLevel() << ".R" << level << "." << resultImageFormat;

/** Time the resampling. */
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -148,10 +150,12 @@ ResamplerBase<TElastix>::AfterEachIterationBase()

/** Create a name for the final result. */
const auto resultImageName =
this->m_Configuration->RetrieveParameterValue<std::string>("result", "ResultImageName", 0, false);
std::string resultImageFormat = "mhd";
this->m_Configuration->ReadParameter(resultImageFormat, "ResultImageFormat", 0, false);
std::ostringstream makeFileName;
makeFileName << this->m_Configuration->GetCommandLineArgument("-out") << "result."
makeFileName << this->m_Configuration->GetCommandLineArgument("-out") << resultImageName << '.'
<< this->m_Configuration->GetElastixLevel() << ".R" << level << ".It" << std::setfill('0')
<< std::setw(7) << iter << "." << resultImageFormat;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -219,10 +223,12 @@ ResamplerBase<TElastix>::AfterRegistrationBase()
if (writeResultImage == "true")
/** Create a name for the final result. */
const auto resultImageName =
this->m_Configuration->RetrieveParameterValue<std::string>("result", "ResultImageName", 0, false);
std::string resultImageFormat = "mhd";
this->m_Configuration->ReadParameter(resultImageFormat, "ResultImageFormat", 0);
std::ostringstream makeFileName;
makeFileName << this->m_Configuration->GetCommandLineArgument("-out") << "result."
makeFileName << this->m_Configuration->GetCommandLineArgument("-out") << resultImageName << '.'
<< this->m_Configuration->GetElastixLevel() << "." << resultImageFormat;

/** Time the resampling. */
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4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion Core/Kernel/elxElastixTemplate.hxx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -392,10 +392,12 @@ ElastixTemplate<TFixedImage, TMovingImage>::ApplyTransform(const bool doReadTran
const Configuration & configuration = *Superclass::m_Configuration;

/** Create a name for the final result. */
const auto resultImageName =
configuration.RetrieveParameterValue<std::string>("result", "ResultImageName", 0, false);
std::string resultImageFormat = "mhd";
configuration.ReadParameter(resultImageFormat, "ResultImageFormat", 0, false);
std::ostringstream makeFileName;
makeFileName << configuration.GetCommandLineArgument("-out") << "result." << resultImageFormat;
makeFileName << configuration.GetCommandLineArgument("-out") << resultImageName << '.' << resultImageFormat;

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76 changes: 76 additions & 0 deletions Core/Main/GTesting/itkElastixRegistrationMethodGTest.cxx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ using elx::CoreMainGTestUtilities::CheckNew;
using elx::CoreMainGTestUtilities::ConvertToOffset;
using elx::CoreMainGTestUtilities::CreateImage;
using elx::CoreMainGTestUtilities::CreateImageFilledWithSequenceOfNaturalNumbers;
using elx::CoreMainGTestUtilities::CreateParameterMap;
using elx::CoreMainGTestUtilities::CreateParameterObject;
using elx::CoreMainGTestUtilities::Deref;
using elx::CoreMainGTestUtilities::DerefSmartPointer;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -352,6 +353,81 @@ GTEST_TEST(itkElastixRegistrationMethod, WriteResultImage)

// Tests registering two images, having a custom "ResultImageName" specified.
GTEST_TEST(itkElastixRegistrationMethod, ResultImageName)
constexpr auto ImageDimension = 2U;
using PixelType = float;
using ImageType = itk::Image<PixelType, ImageDimension>;
using SizeType = itk::Size<ImageDimension>;
using IndexType = itk::Index<ImageDimension>;
using OffsetType = itk::Offset<ImageDimension>;

const OffsetType translationOffset{ { 1, -2 } };
const auto regionSize = SizeType::Filled(2);
const SizeType imageSize{ { 5, 6 } };
const IndexType fixedImageRegionIndex{ { 1, 3 } };

const auto fixedImage = CreateImage<PixelType>(imageSize);
FillImageRegion(*fixedImage, fixedImageRegionIndex, regionSize);
const auto movingImage = CreateImage<PixelType>(imageSize);
FillImageRegion(*movingImage, fixedImageRegionIndex + translationOffset, regionSize);

const std::string rootOutputDirectoryPath = GetCurrentBinaryDirectoryPath() + '/' + GetNameOfTest(*this);

const auto numberOfResolutions = 2u;
const std::string customResultImageName = "CustomResultImageName";

const auto getOutputSubdirectoryPath = [rootOutputDirectoryPath](const bool useCustomResultImageName) {
return rootOutputDirectoryPath + '/' +
(useCustomResultImageName ? "DefaultResultImageName" : "CustomResultImageName");

for (const bool useCustomResultImageName : { true, false })
DefaultConstructibleElastixRegistrationMethod<ImageType, ImageType> registration;

const std::string outputSubdirectoryPath = getOutputSubdirectoryPath(useCustomResultImageName);

auto parameterMap = CreateParameterMap({ // Parameters in alphabetic order:
{ "ImageSampler", "Full" },
{ "MaximumNumberOfIterations", "2" },
{ "Metric", "AdvancedNormalizedCorrelation" },
{ "NumberOfResolutions", std::to_string(numberOfResolutions) },
{ "Optimizer", "AdaptiveStochasticGradientDescent" },
{ "Transform", "TranslationTransform" },
{ "WriteResultImageAfterEachResolution", "true" } });

if (useCustomResultImageName)
parameterMap["ResultImageName"] = { customResultImageName };
const auto parameterObject = elx::ParameterObject::New();

for (unsigned int resolutionNumber{ 0 }; resolutionNumber < numberOfResolutions; ++resolutionNumber)
const auto fileNamePostFix = ".0.R" + std::to_string(resolutionNumber) + ".mhd";
const auto expectedImage =
itk::ReadImage<ImageType>(getOutputSubdirectoryPath(false) + "/result" + fileNamePostFix);
const auto actualImage =
itk::ReadImage<ImageType>(getOutputSubdirectoryPath(true) + '/' + customResultImageName + fileNamePostFix);

ASSERT_NE(expectedImage, nullptr);
ASSERT_NE(actualImage, nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(*actualImage, *expectedImage);

// Tests that the origin of the output image is equal to the origin of the fixed image (by default).
GTEST_TEST(itkElastixRegistrationMethod, OutputHasSameOriginAsFixedImage)
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
(Direction 1 0 0 1)
(FixedImageDimension 2)
(Index 0 0)
(MovingImageDimension 2)
(NumberOfParameters 2)
(Origin 0 0)
(ResultImageName "CustomResultImageName")
(ResultImagePixelType "float")
(Size 5 6)
(Spacing 1 1)
(Transform "TranslationTransform")
(TransformParameters 1 -2)
47 changes: 47 additions & 0 deletions Testing/PythonTests/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -249,6 +249,53 @@ def test_translation_of_images(self) -> None:
actual_pixel_data, expected_pixel_data, atol=max_absolute_difference, rtol=0

def test_custom_result_image_name(self) -> None:
"""Tests the ResultImageName parameter"""

source_directory_path = pathlib.Path(__file__).resolve().parent
output_directory_path = self.create_test_function_output_directory()
data_directory_path = source_directory_path / ".." / "Data"
input_file_path = data_directory_path / "2D_2x2_square_object_at_(2,1).mhd";
parameter_directory_path = source_directory_path / "TransformParameters"
str(parameter_directory_path / "Translation(1,-2).txt"),

expected_image = sitk.ReadImage(str(output_directory_path / "result.mhd"))
str(parameter_directory_path / "Translation(1,-2)-CustomResultImageName.txt"),

actual_image = sitk.ReadImage(str(output_directory_path / "CustomResultImageName.mhd"))

self.assert_equal_image_info(actual_image, expected_image)

def test_translation_of_points(self) -> None:
"""Tests translation of points"""

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