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Additional tools

Matt McCormick edited this page Nov 11, 2019 · 7 revisions

This page contains links to useful tools/scripts that provide additional functionality on top of elastix.

Contributions of users are very much welcomed!

  1. ITKTools
    A collection of general purpose image processing programs, based on ITK. Includes a program to compute overlap between segmentations (which is often used to evaluate image registrations).

  2. SimpleElastix
    SimpleElastix is an extension of SimpleITK that offers user-friendly access to the popular image registration algorithms of the elastix C++ library. This makes state-of-the-art medical image registration really easy to do in languages like C++, Python, Java, R, Ruby, C# and Lua.

  3. 3DSlicer extension
    Thanks to Andras Lasso, elastix is now available as a plug-in for 3DSlicer. If you download and install 3DSlicer then you can install the elastix extension from Slicer's extension manager by a few clicks.

  4. Matlab interfaces

  1. MeVisLab interface
    A set of MeVisLab modules have been created for configuration and execution of elastix and transformix from within MeVisLab, see the MeVisLab interface wiki.
    Contributed by Marijn van Stralen, Image Sciences Institute, UMC Utrecht, the Netherlands.

  2. Atlas generation example
    This example shows how to generate an atlas using non-rigid registration in elastix, based on artificial population data.
    The parameter files, python scripts, and data can be found on the atlas generation example wiki page.
    Contributed by Roy van Pelt, Biomedical Image Analysis group, Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands.

  3. statismo-elastix
    A small elastix user component that provides an interface to statismo, an open source library for statistical shape modeling.
    This allows to perform statistically constrained registration and atlas-based segmentation in elastix.

  4. itk-elastix Provides an ITK Python interface to elastix, including binary Python packages pip install itk-elastix, registered_image = itk.elastix_registration_method(fixed_image, moving_image).

=== Add your own tools here! ===