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MeVisLab interface for elastix by Marijn van Stralen

Marius Staring edited this page Jun 20, 2017 · 3 revisions

A set of MeVisLab modules have been created that provide an interface for elastix, at the commandline level.


  • to simplify calling elastix and transformix from within MeVisLab.
  • to simply generate and edit elastix parameter files.


A (Windows) PC with MeVisLab installed and with the elastix binaries.

The modules were tested on Windows with MeVisLab 2.1 32 and 64bit only. Visual Studio is not required for the elastix modules. They might also work in a Linux or Mac environment.


The elastix MeVisLab modules are part of the MeVisLab Community Sources. See further instructions on how to download and install these sources there.


In the MeVisLab Community Sources you will find the three macro modules that offer an interface with elastix functionality:

  • Elastix: for calling the commandline program elastix on the input images of the module. It reads the result of elastix and loads it into the output(s) of the module.
  • Transformix: for calling the commandline program transformix on the input image of the module. It reads the result of transformix and loads it into the output of the module.
  • ElastixParameterFile: for reading, editing and writing of elastix parameter files.
  • CallElastix: just configure a commandline call for elastix and transformix, without writing and reading any images from within MeVisLab.

See the documentation of the modules itself, and their example networks, for more detailed instructions.


These modules were developed by Marijn van Stralen, Image Sciences Institute, UMC Utrecht, the Netherlands.

Sample gallery
MeVisLab network MeVisLab GUI
An example MeVisLab network using the elastix modules A screenshot of the ElastixParameterFile user interface