decompiles dis.dis output by converting it into a code object and then running uncompyle6
on the code object. This is intended for use on CTF problems where only this output is provided; if you have a .pyc
file just use uncompyle6 or one of the various other .pyc decompilers.
Note: pyasm has only been tested on Python 3.8 disassemblies, using pyasm on disassemblies from other versions may or may not work.
pip install git+
$ pyasm samples/disas.txt
def main():
s = input('Guess?')
o = b'\xae\xc0\xa1\xab\xef\x15\xd8\xca\x18\xc6\xab\x17\x93\xa8\x11\xd7\x18\x15\xd7\x17\xbd\x9a\xc0\xe9\x93\x11\xa7\x04\xa1\x1c\x1c\xed'
if e(s) == o:
def e(s):
s = [ord(c) for c in s]
o = [ord(c) for c in b(a(s), c(s))]
return bytes(o)
def c(s):
return [c + 5 for c in s]
def b(s, t):
for x, y in zip(s, t):
yield x + y - 50
def a(s):
o = [
0] * len(s)
for i, c in enumerate(s):
o[i] = c * 2 - 60
return o