Modified from Desuuuu's DGUS T5UID1 fork to support Mini DGUS displays.
The Mini DGUS display (DGUSM) is found on the Wanhao Duplicator i3+ and several other printers. It does not support all of the functionality as the t5uid1, but otherwise is fairly similar. Specifically, this is for the DMT48270M043_02WT model, which is the low end DGUSM display.
Main differences:
- System control is through 256 bytes of "register" space which uses separate register read/write commands.
- No ACK is sent for writes, just reads.
- CRC is not supported (not being used on T5UID1 currently though)
- Only 4KB of RAM (for VPs) instead of 128KB. None of it is reserved as opposed to 8KB being reserved for System on T5UID1, and more if curve display is desired.
- No ability to enable/disable/update "touch" controls at runtime. Can only update "variable" configuration at runtime through SP (also can be done with T5UID1).
- Beeper instead of wav file audio playback
- Volume is not adjustable
- Slower LCD refresh rate (200ms instead of 40ms)
- No negative font kerning.
- Maximum icon size of 255px x 255px as opposed to 1023px x 1023px.
- No 8-byte long int variable support.
- Different CONFIG.txt file is needed on SD card.
Otherwise, the displays are fairly similar. The resolution is the same (480x272), config files and data format for touch and variables are the same, and the same tools can be used.
NOTE: the code still says t5uid1 currently, but only supports DGUSM.
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